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    How to Write Social Media Headlines That Drive Traffic

    January 20, 2017

    Headlines are the most important part of your social media activity. Without headlines, businesses have no way of capturing the attention of online users.

    In addition, most users only read headlines when making their way through the seemingly endless amount of online content.
    Knowing how to write social media headlines that drive traffic makes your social media marketing more effective and gives you better results over time.

    Write for Each Platform

    Each social media platform is unique, and the behaviors and expectations of its users will impact the ways in which you write your headlines.

    Twitter’s 140-character limit means that headlines should say more with less. Twitter users quickly scan their feeds. So you need to use words that grab the reader’s attention quickly before they move on.

    Facebook, Google+, and other platforms allow for greater flexibility in creating headlines. But no matter which social media platform you use, your headlines must be tailored to meet the needs of each one.

    Know When to Get Personal

    Facebook is used by people who want to stay connected with friends and family. That’s why many of the posts you see will consist of stories, opinions, and other types of personal content.

    Your headlines should take a personal approach on Facebook. Consider using the first person singular or plural when crafting a headline so that users feel that there is a person behind the headline.

    Personal headlines should be conversational and avoid using the “power words” that are often used in marketing headlines and sales copy.


    Be Clear to Avoid Confusion

    Clear headlines make it easy for social media users to understand your message quickly.

    Businesses make the mistake of leaving out information or creating unrealistic expectations in their headlines. But these create confusion in the minds of readers and can increase friction in your sales process.

    If your content doesn’t deliver on your headline’s promise, then it can hurt the credibility of your brand and cause users to ignore your posts in the future.
    Vague headlines are often used to create curiosity. But today’s users are becoming better at spotting (and ignoring) common tactics used by clickbait content marketers.


    Focus on Benefits

    Headlines should emphasize the needs of your target audience. They should highlight the benefit that the reader will obtain from engaging with your content.

    Consider the short- and long-term benefits that they provide and incorporate those into your social media headlines.

    Making your social media activity work for you is a result of understanding the behaviors of users and creating headlines that are in line with the needs and interests of your target audience.

    Writing social media headlines that drive traffic to your business increases your return on your social media marketing activity while building the relationships that lead to lasting success.

    Need help creating a content marketing strategy that drives traffic to your website? Contact Meredith Communications today for a free consultation.

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