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    What Women’s Hosiery And FANtastic Marketing Have In Common

    December 16, 2019

    Who here would have expected a woman’s delicate’s company to produce FANtastic Marketing that made me sit up and take note? It wasn’t me—and considering all of the companies I do business with year after year, I was surprised that one of the most outstanding examples of that little “extra” that can make customers end-of-year FANtastic would come from Sheertex. But here we are.

    It’s Not Your Grandmother’s Hosiery

    You might be surprised (or not) to learn that the last “update” to hosiery was alongside the invention of Spandex in 1959. And if you’re a woman regularly wearing pantyhose or tights you might be asking yourself, “why has no one come up with anything better?” While a cheap drugstore pair of hose may only cost about $5 they’re also likely to tear well before you’ve walked out your front door. From snagging on toenails to catching on furniture corners to being slightly too small, hosiery is a HUGE waste of money for something that for many of us working women feels necessary. Add to that all of the spandex getting dumped into landfills year after year and you have a problem on your hands. Sheertex is trying to change all of that.

    Katherine Homuth is the organization’s founder who, like many of today’s entrepreneurs, set out to solve a problem—the constant ripping and tearing of pantyhose. It took over a year of research and development to create her patent-pending Sheertex knit, which is claimed to be strong, flexible and sheer. And it’s also made out of the same material found in bulletproof vests. While these hose are not bulletproof, that’s still a pretty FANtastic fact! Selected as one of TIME Magazine’s top inventions of 2018, this is certainly a brand that is going places. Plenty of reviews believe so, too!

    My FANtastic Sheertex Experience

    As it turns out, this company isn’t merely FANtastic due to their innovation and growth—about 50% of sales are U.S. based, 25% are Canada based, and the rest are spread across the globe—but also because of their marketing efforts! Not long ago, I received a photo postcard from Sheertex thanking me for my order. Not unusual. But they took it a step further and included a handwritten note on the back that reads, “You are unbreakable, Meredith! <3 The Sheertex Team.” WOW!



    Let’s break down this FANtastic Marketing example:

    1. They made the order about me with the use of “You.” They didn’t simply thank me for my order—they took an extra step and personalized it. This wasn’t something they pre-wrote and are sending in every box. It was written for me.
    2. They tied it into their brand messaging, “Shop the world’s first unbreakable sheers.” By including the word “unbreakable” in their message, they tied it back to the company without it feeling like it took away from the overall sentiment.
    3. Nothing beats a handwritten note. In today’s world of technology, it’s easy to send an email or a text to thank you for your order. Handwriting is thoughtful, personal, and FANtastic Marketing.

    FANtastic Marketing Can Be Simple

    Does this seem simple to you? A simple way to make a huge impact on your customers? Because it is. And yet so many of us let these simple gestures fall through the cracks. As a result, we don’t create FANS out of our customers—we don’t make them giddy with excitement to do business with us. They’ll merely work with us until another brand comes along that is less expensive or more convenient.

    Sheertex understands the FANtastic Marketing difference when it comes to building a customer base. It comes naturally to them. However, if it doesn’t come naturally to you, that’s okay! It’s easy to learn. In fact, I’ve written an entire book about this very topic. The recently revised and updated Second Edition of FANtastic Marketing: Leverage Your Fan Factor, Build a Blockbuster Brand, Score New Customers, and Wipe Out the Competition is available for purchase on Amazon now.



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