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    What Is Your Website Experience Like?

    April 16, 2018

    Home Builder Marketing MondaysExperience refers to the degree a website entices visitors to interact online. Providing a great experience doesn’t mean you need to spend a fortune on design bells and whistles for the sake of being cool. Whatever bells and whistles you add, such as video, music, or interactive games, should have a purpose that relates to the wants and needs of your target audience. If something has a purpose and it’s really cool, that works just fine.

    The purpose of interactive website features is to engage the visitor and keep them on your website longer, refer other visitors to your website, and/or return for new information.

    Examples of interactive features include:

    • Interactive maps
    • Interactive floor plans
    • Virtual tours
    • Photo and video galleries
    • Live chat or Click-to-Call
    • Mortgage calculators

    Interactive elements are particularly effective in explaining complex processes, such as design studio selections or green construction features. A well-designed interactive graphic will convey detailed information much more effectively than multiple paragraphs of text. You can always include the text below the graphic for SEO purposes.

    Experience Checklist:

    • Is your website compelling to home buyers?
    • Is your website more engaging than your competition?
    • Does your website integrate features that allow the visitor to personalize the experience?

    Click Power by Meredith OliverToday’s post contains information found in Click Power, Meredith’s book written specifically for the new home building and residential real estate industry. It’s a comprehensive, digital marketing how-to guide for home builders. Meredith steps you through the sometimes overwhelming maze of web marketing and shows you how to optimize your potential online. Order it online at Amazon.com.









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