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    Visual Social Media is the New Black

    April 25, 2017

    Everyone has a little bit of black in his or her closet. From the little black dress to your go-to black slacks, the color is classic and always ready to go. What if I told you that when it comes to social media, visuals are the new black. That’s right! Photos, videos, gifs, collages, and colorful graphics are the trending “go to” on just about every platform. From social whose entire platform is based on visuals (Instagram) to social where graphics simply increase visibility (Facebook and Twitter) this is one trend you should always have ready to go. How can you leverage the power of visual social media in the online space? That’s what we’re going to discuss today.

    Don’t Tell It When You Can Show It: Marketing these days is all about sharing our stories. That is how we make the best and most personal connections. In a word filled with a lot of talk, we’re gravitating more and more to ads and marketing that make us FEEL. That being said, video is a great way to not only express words, but also emotion. Instead of writing about why you started your company, or that fact that your company is hitting a milestone–make a video! Here’s a great example of a company doing just that.

    Create Original Content: This one always seems to ruffle a few feathers. After all, how can you make original content when the internet is inundated with blog upon blog or video upon video about the very subject YOU want to talk about? Easy–you make it YOURS. One of the biggest things I stress is that as a business owner you should never attempt to remake the wheel. Instead, take advantage of all of the people in your industry who have done something you like–and put your own spin on it. From professional looking graphics, to training videos, to tag lines, to quotes, there are always ways to introduce your own words through visuals.

    Get Some Help: It used to be that if you couldn’t use Photoshop (and really–who could use Photoshop without hours of training?) that you couldn’t design beautiful things. Those days are gone. Now, you don’t have to dedicate yourself to getting a degree in order to create beautiful work with graphic design tools. Sites like Canva and BeFunky allow you to create unique graphics that are special to your brand.

    Engage With Your Fans: Your very best customers are absolutely rabid for your brand. They can’t get enough of it–nor do they want to. Did you ever realize that this dedicated fan base can actually be used to your advantage? From planning out a video contest on a site like Vine to implementing a photo contest on your Instagram you can encourage your fans to do the work FOR you when it comes to creating awesome visuals that everyone will love.

    There are so many ways you can take advantage of providing visuals for your customers and potential customers. All it takes is a little bit of creativity (or planning if you don’t fancy yourself a creative) to make all the difference in how people see your brand.

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