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    Our Top 3 Digital Marketing Articles | September 11

    September 11, 2017

    Our Top 3 Digital Marketing Articles | September 11

    Welcome to #MarketingMondays at Meredith Communications! One of the toughest challenges of being a marketer in the information age is staying current on the newest trends, hot research and new tactics. I spend hours every week reading new sales and marketing articles. On Monday’s we feature an article round-up of the top 3 – 5 articles I read the previous week. Some of the articles may be brand new and others may have been out there a while, but you can be assured that the articles found here are still very relevant.  You’ll also find my thoughts on each article and don’t hesitate to let me know what you think about them as well!

    Moving Beyond Old-fashioned Customer Engagement by Dave Campbell

    Today’s customer is different. They are particular about where they spend their money. They aren’t as loyal as they once were and if you want to gain their loyalty, their expectations are sky high. And they are increasingly digital – wanting to do most things via their mobile or through a website. As a result, yesterday’s approach to customer engagement is no longer sufficient.

    My reflections: This is absolutely correct. I can’t stress enough how marketing – and really all aspects of running an online business – are changing rapidly. We’re well into a digital based world and we have to become more digital to fit the mold. Customer service is a giant aspect of whether or not people want to invest money in your business. There was a time when one method of contact was completely fine – but that’s just not the case any longer. Not only do you have to have the best in customer service – you also have to have the amazing customer service across many facets!

    PUMA Europe Selects Customer Engagement Platform by Mapp Digital by PR Newswire

    PUMA will utilize Mapp Digital’s next-generation marketing technology to engage with customers on a personal level. The brand will utilize Mapp’s Customer Engagement Platform, which streamlines insights and drives sales by identifying consumer and behavioral data to acquire new customers and grow brand affinity.

    My reflections: Along with the increased need to be digital comes companies that have streamlined the processes and work with companies to help them keep up with the demands of a super-engaged society. This is perhaps one of the most prestigious companies doing so – representing Puma, Pepsi, Xerox, and many more. As your business grows, chances are you’ll be in the market for a company like Mapp Digital.

    5 Facebook algorithm hacks to up your content marketing game by Sweta Patel

    Do you feel like Facebook has become an ever-changing circus show and you’re bending over backward trying to learn new content tricks — like being seen on the platform means mustering up some sort of outrageously tricky skill, slipping on some spandex and running around flamboyantly in front of a crowd? And you’re just not that dedicated, nor that nimble, nor that… weird?

    My reflections: Yes! How did she know exactly how I was feeling? Facebook as of late has been a lot of trial and error in many areas – what once worked now doesn’t and in it’s place is something completely new. I love the breakdown in this post – 5 of our most common hiccups with Facebook are answered and I for one, will be implementing them today!

    Meredith Oliver is a digital marketing expert, sales and marketing professional speaker, and author. If you’d like more information on speaking engagements or books, visit MeredithSpeaks.com For sales and marketing tips, you’re at the right spot! Take a look around Meredith Communications. Follow her on Twitter: @MeredithCSP and follow her killer shoe collection on Instagram: @MeredithsShoes22.

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