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    Our Top 3 Digital Marketing Articles | August 28

    August 28, 2017

    Our Top 3 Digital Marketing Articles | August 28

    Welcome to #MarketingMondays at Meredith Communications! One of the toughest challenges of being a marketer in the information age is staying current on the newest trends, hot research and new tactics. I spend hours every week reading new sales and marketing articles. On Monday’s we feature an article round-up of the top 3 – 5 articles I read the previous week. Some of the articles may be brand new and others may have been out there a while, but you can be assured that the articles found here are still very relevant.  You’ll also find my thoughts on each article and don’t hesitate to let me know what you think about them as well!

    How Estee Lauder grew sales 40 percent in China by Hilary Milnes

    Estée Lauder Cosmetics is watching its sales in China climb faster than any other market, thanks to a savvy local strategy that includes a 50-person dedicated team, branded Tmall storefronts, and freestanding e-commerce sites.

    Esteé Lauder reported its full year results for 2017 on Friday, announcing an overall sales growth of 40 percent in China with e-commerce sales increasing by 50 percent. The market outpaced overall sales growth for Estée Lauder, which rose 5 percent to $11.8 billion for the year. Online accounted for 20 percent of all company sales.

    My reflections: One thing this company stresses is that the sales and marketing has to change depending on many different variables. I’ve found the same to be true in most any business! You can’t take one marketing strategy and use it across all platforms, sections, or regions. Esteé Lauder has truly conquered how to make their marketing optimal for each launch – very impressive!

    Marketing with intent: The combined power of SEO and content by Jim Yu

    If we can agree that the ultimate purpose of marketing is to attract attention and generate interest, then combining SEO and content marketing is a no-brainer for smart brands and marketers. SEO is all about creating brand visibility – it ensures that customers can find your website. Engaging content is what will make them click and stay on your website.

    SEO and content marketing, when combined effectively and intelligently, become an unbeatable one-two punch that defines the experience – and success – of your brand.

    My reflections: I couldn’t agree with this article more! Marketing is all about making your brand visible – and what better way to do that than to combine the powerhouse of SEO with some knock-out content? This article also stresses the importance of building relationships with your customers – making them fans of your product, if you will. I think that’s a FANtastic idea!

    Micro-Moments Now: Why ‘near me’ intent is a ‘near you’ opportunity by Lisa Gevelber

    Looking for something nearby—a coffee shop, noodle restaurant, shoe store—is one of the most common searches we do. In fact, nearly one-third of all mobile searches are related to location.1

    In September 2015, we shared that “near me” or “nearby” searches on Google had grown 2X in the previous year.2 Now, just two years later, we see that behavior has continued to change. Make no mistake, people still use ”near me” to discover places of interest around them. But we’re now seeing a shift toward dropping location qualifiers (like zip codes, neighborhoods, and “near me” phrasing) in local searches, because people know that the results will automatically be relevant to their location—thanks to their phone.

    My reflections: With the world we live in today, this article is spot on. People want more information given to them with less context shared. As good marketers, we’re to know the what, where, and why when given even a small insight into what the customer is searching for. The part of this article that resonated most with me is this –

    In essence, people are saying ‘don’t make me exert extra effort when you should already know exactly what I want.’

    The world is changing and we have to find a way to change along with it or get left in the dust!

    Meredith Oliver is a digital marketing expert, sales and marketing professional speaker, and author. If you’d like more information on speaking engagements or books, visit MeredithSpeaks.com For sales and marketing tips, you’re at the right spot! Take a look around Meredith Communications. Follow her on Twitter: @MeredithCSP and follow her killer shoe collection on Instagram: @MeredithsShoes22.

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