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    Toolbox Tuesdays | SEO for Home Builders

    September 5, 2017

    Toolbox Tuesdays | SEO for Home Builders

    You’ve put a lot of time, effort, and money into building your new home community. Perhaps you partnered with other builders or it may have been a solo venture. Either way, you now need people to buy your homes. The internet has changed how buyers look for their new home. It’s no longer as simple as making sure Realtors® know about and show your new construction homes. Instead, you need to know how to market your homes on the web. The SEO tips for home builders will help you reach more people and make more sales.

    Mobile Friendly Websites

    Most people are accessing the internet on their smartphones while they’re on the go. Search engines, like Google, know this and use it as a factor in determining where your page shows up in the results. Also, because people who are home shopping may be looking up information while they’re driving around the area, you want them to be able to find out about your new construction homes easily. Two great reasons you need a mobile-friendly site.

    Own Your Space on Google Maps

    People looking for new homes are like to type something like “new homes in x” or “new construction in x” (x is your city). In Google and many other search engines, the first results are the maps, so you’ll want to have your spot.

    Update Your Site Often

    One of the many metrics search engines use to determine your rank is how recently the site has been “active.” There are 100s, maybe thousands, of sites that haven’t been updated and just sit out there on the web. By updating often, search engines see that your page is active and moves it higher up the results.

    Use Virtual Tours

    Home buying is ultimately a visual process and the web is ideal for showing off the features that make your new homes unique. A video tour of your properties can get potential buyers excited and on site to make a purchase.

    Local SEO is Key

    When people are searching for a new home, they’re going to use the city or town they want to live in as one of their search terms. To show up in their results, you need to have the city or town your homes are in as part of your SEO.

    Great SEO for home builders makes it easier to sell those homes and make back your investment. For help with any of these items, contact Meredith Communications. The initial consultation is always free.

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