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    Toolbox Tuesday | Review of SEO Management Tools

    February 6, 2018

    Toolbox TuesdaysSEO management tools are big business. Some, like Google Search Console, are free to use while others need to be considered a line item on your budget. Besides cost, there are other things to consider when determining which SEO management tool is best for your business.


    In a recent poll of SEO experts, Moz received nine votes as a favorite SEO management tool. Experts cite the best link metrics and agile keyword explorers as two reasons why they’d choose Moz over other tools. Other cool features within Moz include an open site explorer and crawl test – to help you sniff out any errors. The folks at Moz also say their local SEO features are ideal for realtors and other businesses that need to key in on specific geographic areas. We’ve used Moz for nearly five years at Meredith Communications and it’s our primary SEO management tool of choice. The customer service is outstanding. We use it to monitor our SEO clients and to generate reporting each month. We also appreciate the extensive library of blogs, whitepapers, and tutorials available on their website. Moz is truly a thought-leader in the SEO field. Moz Pro pricing starts at $99/per month.


    In that same poll, 17 experts picked SEMrush as their favorite way to manage SEO. What sets SEMrush apart is that it treats SEO as a competition. And when you think about it, it is. With only 10 results on page one and lots of competition for that space, you need to treat it like a spelling bee or track race. SEMrush provides deep insights into your competitors so you can see how you stack up against the competition – and how you can win the SEO race to page one. And because it’s all keyword and data-driven, you can trust the results. SEMrush pricing starts at $99/per month.

    Google Search Console

    Combined with Google’s other SEO tools – Google AdWords and Google Analytics – Google Search Console provides a powerful set of tools for managing SEO and creating strong campaigns that reach your target audience. Previously known as Google Webmaster Tools, Search Console provides you a view of how your site is being crawled and indexed so you can easily locate and solve any optimization issues. Search Console has new features coming in 2018 that will provide even better reporting. Plus, it’s free to use for anyone.

    For more SEO management tool options, check out this article by GrowthFunnel.io. Keep in mind you don’t need the most robust or most beautifully designed interface. You need a tool that fits your business model and your business needs. Select the tool that is intuitive to you as a user and one that you will actually use. If you’re ready to take your SEO to the next level, contact Meredith Communications for a free consultation.

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