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    Three Ways to Make Your Content More Noticeable

    May 2, 2017

    We all hate to be ignored in the internet realm. The trouble is that there is just so much out there, it’s hard to stand out. This is especially true of our content. I mean, we’re not just putting stuff out there hoping that everyone will ignore it, right? The question is: how do you get more eyeballs on your content? Below, I explain three easy ways to make your content more noticeable.

    Post Good Content Regularly: What better way to ensure customers return to your website regularly than by posting regularly? When it comes to making your content noticeable, it isn’t just about having the most up-to-date advice or the best stock photos (though these certainly help) it’s also about making sure that you maintain the content platform you chose to work with. This is why I always say it’s important to share your brand and message through a channel you enjoy. Blogging, videos, photos, tweets–it doesn’t matter. Just love it and update regularly and your fans will come swarming.

    Make Posts Shareable: It can be a scary world out there. So many platforms on the internet come complete with security settings. From being able to make our Instagram accounts private to only sharing Facebook posts with certain friends, it’s pretty easy to close ourselves off. Of course growing you business is all about putting yourself OUT there. Double check the settings you have in place on all of your accounts–do they make it easy or difficult for your fans to share your content with their own friends and family? If it’s difficult, consider loosening up your privacy rules a little.

    Accept Guest Writers: It can be draining to come up with new content on a regular basis. From coming up with topics to finding the perfect photos to actually getting everything posted–whew! You’re ready to take a nap. Ease the burden on yourself by accepting guest writers. Not only can you find guest writers  who will write to topics that will fit well with your business, they also come with an entirely new audience! Guest writers can send new customers your way and who knows–maybe you’ll make a new fan or two.

    Making your content more noticeable doesn’t have to be hard. Instead, it just takes a little bit of creativity (and maybe some help) to find new fans and keep your current fans happy with your business.

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