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    Should I Use a Video Background On My Website?

    May 8, 2018

    One of the most important things to remember when you are creating a website is that you have exactly 3 – 5 seconds to grab someone’s attention before they move on to another site looking for the information they seek. It seems like a ridiculously little amount of time, but it is a busy world and people will quickly scan a page and move on if their attention has not been grabbed. This is why video backgrounds have become so relevant in the web design industry.

    It is human nature to stop and look at something that is moving. It is almost a basic instinct. Websites can use this instinct to grab the attention of their visitors and hold them on the page for more than a few seconds. Studies have shown that if a person stays on a page for longer than this amount of time, they will search through the page and perhaps search the entire site.  The more time someone stays on a site, the more time your message is being pitched or your product is being viewed by potential clients or customers.

    Video Demand Is Increasing

    We have recently seen increased demand for video backgrounds for the websites we design. One of our most recent creations includes prattliving.com. This is a classic example of how you can capture the attention of a prospective buyer without loud and flashy images or sounds. The video has absolutely no sound which allows the viewer to imagine themselves in the scenery itself. This is a powerful selling tool. The goal is to create feelings; thereby engaging an online audience.

    If you are deciding to use video in your website creation, we recommend that you create a video that is no more than one minute in length. There should not be any sound attached to the video, and there should not be any introductory or exiting information attached. You simply want to give the viewer something to catch their attention and allow them to daydream for a moment or two.

    Video backgrounds work most effectively for companies that provide a service. Home builders, medical clinics, even consulting firms all benefit from video backgrounds because visitors to the site can become familiar with a service without having to read or search for information.

    Videos also work for product sales if you create the video in a way that does not scream “buy this product” but instead allows the viewer to see what the product is and what it has to offer. Vacation experiences also do well with this type of design.  Again, you want to elicit feelings.

    Website design is a continually evolving science. As more people turn to the Internet for all of their information and buying experiences, site development must change to meet their needs. Adding a video background is the next step in evolution for creating websites that convert visitors into customers or clients.


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