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    Recommended Tool – DashThis

    October 24, 2018

    Recommended Tool - DashThisDigital marketing is a necessity for those who want to increase the sales of their product or services on the Internet. Reaching potential clients on the various platforms is part of every marketing strategy. However, tracking all of these platforms can simply be a nightmare.

    If you are advertising on Google or using Google Ads, advertising on Facebook and Instagram or anywhere else on the Internet, each advertising campaign has a separate dashboard to monitor results. If you are running multiple campaigns, this can quickly become overwhelming.

    Eliminating the Confusion

    We have discovered a very simple solution to this problem. Our company has invested in the DashThis dashboard program for all of our SEO, SEM, and/or social media advertising clients. The DashThis program integrates all of your digital marketing analytics into one dashboard so that you can track and monitor all advertising from one convenient place.

    The DashThis program was an instant success for us. We could not believe how simplified it made our jobs when it came to effectively managing advertising campaigns. Immediately we decided that this would be an automatic benefit that we would provide our customers.

    Using DashThis, our clients can see the whole picture on how their site and advertising campaigns are working. They can view information from all platforms and see where their performance shines and where it may need some polishing. They can also create very impressive reports to monitor progress over time.

    The DashThis program is compatible with almost every marketing program out there. You can upload CSV files from Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook Ads, Google Analytics and AdWords, Bing Ads and YouTube. There are several other marketing platforms that you can integrate into the system as well.

    It Is Always About the Data

    The Internet is ever-growing and ever-changing. Marketing strategies on the Internet are continually changing as well. You must monitor your marketing program continually to make sure that you are effectively investing in the right programs to generate sales. To do this, you must be able to review the data surrounding your campaigns and compare the figures for the best results.

    To simplify this process and generate the best results, we have found that using the DashThis integrated dashboard system is the right tool. This program, which now is included with our website services, will help everyone manage their marketing strategy for the best results.

    Interested in working with Meredith Communications on your marketing or website needs? Contact us today!


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