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    Prepare Now for January Website Traffic

    November 20, 2018

    Every home builder experiences a slowdown in website traffic between September and December. At times, the slowdown can even begin in the middle of August. Back-to-school efforts by families and the holiday rush season often place buying a home as a lower priority.

    January, however, will see a significant increase in traffic. People are finished with the holidays and school is at its mid-year point. People will be thinking of what they want to accomplish in the New Year. For many, buying a new home will be a top priority.

    With all of this in mind, it is time to ask yourself if your website is ready for the January traffic increase. The potential slow period between September and December is a perfect time to work on your website. Some of the things you may wish to consider are:

    • Adding or updating photos of newer models or new neighborhoods
    • Add videos or virtual tours to your site to attract more buyers
    • Check all links on the site to make sure they are current
    • Fix any problems you may encounter such as broken links or slow loading pages

    This is also the perfect time to start creating a marketing campaign for the New Year. Some of the marketing strategies you may wish to implement include:

    A final project you may wish to undertake during this slow period is reviewing your statistics. As busy business owners, it is easy to assume that you glance at the monthly figures and conversion rates and move on to other tasks. Take this opportune time to truly look at your statistics and see what your website is doing, or not doing, and what its strongest points are as well as its weakest. Look at what advertising seems to produce and what needs help. A real look at these statistics will help you fine-tune your site for the new sales year.

    The slow period will end. In January you will begin to see significant improvement in your website visits and conversions. The most important thing is being ready. Your website will most likely be the first impression that you have with over 90 percent of your clients. It is important that you give a great impression right from the start so that you can convert that visit into a sale. Take advantage of this slow period to be prepared for a prosperous New Year. Want to work with a team to help get your site ready for the New Year? Contact us today.

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