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    Our Top Three Digital Marketing Articles | October 23

    October 23, 2018

    Meredith's Top 3 Digital Marketing ArticlesIn this week’s round-up of three marketing articles, I’m sharing how using VR tech is the new future of home sales, why Instagram is important in your business and some SEO tips! I know there are always a lot of marketing and business articles floating around the web each week, but it’s my goal to share just a handful with you that I’ve found valuable and that I hope you will too! Do you have one that you’ve recently read that you would highly recommend? Let me know!

    American West Homes Uses Virtual Tours to Pre-Sell Las Vegas Community by Builder

    A new community in Las Vegas, being built by American West Homes, is being marketed and sold by virtual technology. Interested buyers can “tour” these homes, despite the fact that they haven’t been built yet. The Internet has radically changed the way that homes are sold – no longer are the days of traditional open houses. Research by the National Association of Realtors showed that 84% of first time home buyers use the internet in their home buying process and visuals are highly important during this process.

    My reflections: As I mentioned in this blog post technology is changing the way people interact with the world. Augmented and virtual reality are changing the home buying process. Learning about this technology and being at the forefront of this new way of selling homes will help set your business up as a leader.

    Why Your Business Should Use Instagram by Tim Delaney

    As of this Summer, Instagram announced they have 1 billion active users and these numbers continue to grow. That’s a large platform (that’s free) that you could be using for your business if you’re not already. Since most of us understand the premise behind Instagram (posting photos, writing captions, and applying hashtags), the next step is to understand how to use it effectively for your business. While Instagram is not a great tool for direct sales, it is a great tool for building your brand. So keeping this in mind when measuring metrics is key.

    My reflections: Just recently we had a guest post on the blog discussing how to sell more homes using Instagram (you can check it out here if you are interested). Instagram is definitely a social media channel that is growing in popularity. Figuring out exactly how to use it for your business can be a challenge, but if you understand who your target market is and think of Instagram as a way to build your brand and grow awareness, rather than direct sales, you’ll likely see more success.

    How to Make Your Content Powerful in Eyes of Searchers (and Google) by Julia McCoy

    SEO is a buzzword we’re likely all aware of by now. We’ve heard or read about keywords and how to figure out how to work them into our copy. But SEO isn’t just about keywords, it also includes focusing on making content powerful and exciting for the reader. Writing content (whether a blog post, a social media update, or an email) that is written like the “equivalent of a best-selling novel” will have your readers wanting more. Focusing not only on making sure your content is optimized based on your keywords, but also content that is packed full of good writing is what ends up really bringing in the organic results.

    My reflections: I love talking about SEO and think it’s such a great topic for business owners to really take some time to learn more about. Many times when people are new to digital marketing and are just beginning to hear about the importance of SEO, their tendency is to “keyword-stuff” their posts. While some may tell you that post they’ve written is optimized for that keyword, you’ve lost a very important element – user readability. Writing high-quality content that is providing useful information to your readers while also utilizing keywords is key. It’s definitely a balancing act.

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