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    Our Top Three Digital Marketing Articles | November 14

    November 14, 2018

    Meredith's Top 3 Digital Marketing ArticlesIn this week’s round up of digital marketing articles, I’m covering some new changes to Google Search Console that might allow for easier tracking of subdomains and subpaths, a review of the new Facebook Portal, and how small tweaks to your landing pages might earn you a better conversion rate. Read more below!

    Google is Testing a Way to Add All of a Site’s Subdomains to Search Console by Matt Southern

    Google Search Console is experimenting with a way that users of its platform will be able to add all the data for their site’s subdomains, protocols, and subpaths. They are doing this by adding a new type of web property called a Domain property. So for example, if you added “example.com” it would include “example.com”, any subdomains and any subpaths. It would contain data for all included URLs for the lifetime of the property. This would contain all data for all URLs for the lifetime of the domain.

    My reflections: This change to Google Search Console would allow for easier tracking of a site’s data all in one place. Of course, this addition is still in an experimenting place, so the usefulness and how well it works is still to be seen, but it could definitely make tracking analytics easier.

    Facebook Portal+ review by Brian Heater

    The Facebook Portal is a competitor to the Echo Show and Google Home Hub. It’s a 15.6″ tablet mounted on a tall, thin base. You can easily swivel it between portrait and landscape mode. It has a 1080px screen, which is great for video chatting. It is able to do automatic zooming and panning – so as you’re moving around your home or office (while on a video call) it will continue to follow and track you on camera. Facebook has also added in a variety of safety and privacy features, including a hard clip to cover the camera so that you can be doubly sure your camera isn’t on when you don’t want it. They also state that they don’t listen to any of your conversations unless you say “hey portal” first.

    My reflections: It’s always interesting to me to learn about new technology and investigate the pros and cons. Since the Facebook Portal is relatively new, it’s hard to say for sure, but as the article points out it can be really great for video chatting, but some of the other features are lacking. It’s possible that it could be a good tool to use for video chatting with potential clients, due to some of the more advanced features, like the auto zoom and pan.

    10 Landing Page Tips for Conversion Optimization by Lee Wilson

    Landing page tweaks can lead to more conversions and looking into your conversion rate optimization should be factored into your monthly marketing review. Search Engine Journal shares their top 10 favorite landing page tips and updates that you can make to get increased conversions. Some of their top tips include personalization, providing more content to act sooner, lowering the emotive commitment, live chat, and email workflows.

    My reflections: Making little tweaks to your website and examining the stats is something you should be doing on a monthly basis. Every website and every industry has certain things that work better than others. While there are always industry standards and best practices, a lot of it comes down to testing on your website to see what works best.

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