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    Our Top 3 Digital Marketing Articles | Week of September 10

    September 11, 2018

    Meredith's Top 3 Digital Marketing Articles

    I’m back this week with another three digital marketing articles that I’ve read this past week. As I’ve mentioned before staying up to date on the latest news can be overwhelming – which is why I wanted to share these articles I’ve stumbled upon. You can read a brief summary and my reflections and then head on over to the site to read the full article. Let me know if you’ve come across another current, relevant, or groundbreaking articles you would like to share!

    5 Ways to Make Your Email More Awesome by Megan Leap

    As the article mentions, email marketing hasn’t changed much over the last couple of decades. However, email is still a great marketing tool. You can think of your email list as the digital nerve center of your business. You own your email list and have control over who and when you send what. Additionally, your email list can provide you with more insight and targeting abilities in your social media campaigns. One thing the article highlights is that people have the ability to use segmentation when sending emails, but not many people take control of this feature. A good idea to keep in mind is treating each lead and customer as an individual. One way to do this is by tailoring the content to them.

    My reflections: Social media platforms and algorithms change …. fairly constantly. But you have control over your email list. You can also gain valuable insights by sending campaigns and it’s one of the easiest ways to get quick feedback and analytics. Most email marketing platforms will provide you with the statistics you need to tailor future campaigns so that you’re better able to connect with your audience.

    Twitter launches audio-only broadcasting feature on its iOS app and Periscope by Sarah Perez

    As mentioned above, social media platforms are constantly changing. Twitter is launching a way to do audio-only broadcasts directly through the iOS app and Periscope. They explain that this feature can be used when you want to share content but aren’t in a place to share video, or for sharing mini-podcasts, or information that won’t fit in a standard 280 character tweet. Those who use this feature will be able to view statistics like the number of live viewers, replays, and the total number of times watched.

    My reflections: It’s always interesting to hear about the newest social media features. Live video whether, through Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram has been very popular as of late. While this feature is fairly similar, it does allow some flexibility for the times that you don’t want to necessarily be in front of the camera when sharing content. It’ll be interesting to see the different and creative ways brands will use this feature.

    Your Secret Weapon in Search? Your People. by Erin Jaeger

    Did you know that customers interact with your brand 2.7x more often on third-party sites than on your own site? This is one reason it’s crucial to make sure the information you have out there is complete and accurate. Think about places like Google, Bing, Facebook, etc. Anywhere where someone might find information about your business. While it’s important that the information like your name, address, and phone number are correct across these platforms, also providing other helpful information (like if your establishment provides free wifi) helps to build a brand story for your customers. All of this information also applies to the professionals in your company. More and more these days people are searching for specific individuals who can help them with what they need. One way you can assist with this is by having your professionals’ information listed on your website. By making these pages optimized, you can help even more people find your professionals and business.

    My reflections: By adding additional information to your website, you can help prospective customers find you. Highlighting the people in your business on your website and public-facing sites, you not only help with search results but you help to create a brand story that makes you more relatable to prospective clients. I would encourage any business to highlight some of their employees and accomplishments on their site as a way of accomplishing this.

    Meredith Oliver is a digital marketing expert, sales and marketing professional speaker, and author. If you’d like more information on speaking engagements or books, visit MeredithSpeaks.com For sales and marketing tips, you’re at the right spot! Take a look around Meredith Communications. Follow her on Twitter: @MeredithCSP and follow her killer shoe collection on Instagram: @MeredithsShoes22.

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