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    Meredith Communications Launches New Website to Reflect New Brand

    March 21, 2017

    Meredith Communications’ mission for the last 15+ years has been to design WOW websites and digital marketing campaigns that drive more traffic, leads, and sales. Our “Creating WOW” brand has served us well, but it’s time for a change.

    We’ve created a new website and brand for Meredith Communications that reflects the closer alignment of our speaking and agency businesses. Our new tagline is “We Deliver FANtastic Marketing Solutions.” The slogan reinforces our commitment to creating website and digital marketing campaigns that are for the FANS. We help businesses leverage The Fan Factor™ to drive more traffic, leads, and sales.

    The new website has an expanded Design Portfolio to showcase the website designs we’ve created for a variety of growth-minded businesses, including home builders and senior living communities.

    The home page highlights four rotating case studies of web design projects Meredith Communications has completed. Each page includes information on the client’s business, the problem they faced before hiring our firm, and the solution we provided, as well as a link to the client’s website. The success stories provide social proof about our digital marketing expertise to reassure potential clients that we can help them achieve their business objectives.

    The Meredith Communications website also features a more visually appealing blog. Ten different articles are highlighted on the main page, with a banner that denotes the article’s topic, such as content marketing, book release, security, digital marketing, etc.

    The website includes multiple bright red call-to-action buttons that direct web visitors to sign up for a newsletter, view blog posts and contact us for information. Visitors can also purchase copies of books I have written, including Click Power, FANtastic Marketing and FANtastic Selling.

    The speaker tab in the main menu links to a separate website with information for those wishing to book me as a sales and marketing keynote speaker. I specialize in delivering a dynamic, fun, powerhouse programs with practical information attendees can use to immediately generate more sales for their companies.

    Our goal and mission will always be to WOW our clients, whether it is a website project or a speaking engagement. But now we are more focused than ever on who we want to WOW – the FANS! By thinking of your leads, up, prospects, and guests as FANS (even before they buy) you too can leverage your Fan Factor and grow your business.

    For more information about the website design and development capabilities Meredith Communications provides, give us a call at 866-227-9769 or fill out our contact form.

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