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    Meredith Communications Launches New Website for Richmond Hill Design + Build

    February 4, 2020

    Meredith Communications is excited to unveil a new website for Richmond Hill Design + Build, a company that specializes in renovating old homes and building new homes around Richmond, Virginia. The company, owned by long-time homebuilder Lloyd Poe, works to build, preserve, and remodel historic homes while offering modern conveniences with current floor plans and easy maintenance. Those visiting the site will be looking to remodel older homes or to build new homes with the historic charm that fits the older neighborhoods of Richmond.

    Lloyd has a long history in the homebuilding industry. Poe is the founder of LifeStyle Home Builders and CraftMaster Homes, two very successful, family-oriented, homebuilding companies based in Virginia. Prior to starting Richmond Hill, Lloyd had retired after selling his other businesses. Retirement wasn’t for him, however, so he decided to start a new venture that focuses on the unique character of Richmond’s historic neighborhoods.

    When starting this website build, Meredith Communications had only a company logo. Therefore a big part of the project was inventing a brand image. We started with an image of the concrete arch railroad bridge that spans the James River—a nearby landmark. This bridge was built by the Atlantic Coast Line, Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad in 1919. We figured, what better inspiration for a company dedicated to preserving the architectural history Richmond? The bridge image clearly defines the company’s goal.

    The arches in the bridge image and the “Hill” in the company name inspired us to use the swoops and swishes in the site’s graphic design and as a treatment in the header and footer images which helped to pull the design together across the landing pages. Additionally, we selected traditional serif and historic script fonts to complement the brand and to highlight the company’s focus on restoring and renovating historic homes. The site is overall traditional with easy functionality and readily available content. Visitors to the site can find what they are looking for within the top page menu.

    Lloyd is joined at Richmond Hill by his joint venture partner, Kevin McNulty (the current owner/president of LifeStyle Home Builders), Jason Maurer (VP of LifeStyle Home Builders), Shawn Gillespie (Project Manager) and Lori McNulty (Design Center Manager). It was a pleasure putting together a site for a company dedicated to preserving architectural heritage!

    Curious to learn more about what Meredith Communications can do for your website? Check out our digital portfolio or contact us today!

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