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    Launch of Grayhawk Homes New Website

    May 1, 2018

    Grayhawk Homes is a well-established home building company that services Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, and Iowa plus 30 sub-markets.  Known for their spacious homes in beautiful settings, Grayhawk Homes has a solid reputation throughout the South for the quality of their homes and communities. In an effort to reach a broader base of customers, Grayhawk hired Meredith Communications to create an exciting new website for their company.

    Using our propriety WordPress Home Builder CMS, we created a website that allows all visitors to the site to easily access different floor plans, information about communities, and available property locations. Grayhawk can also use the setup to easily manage inventory and access floor plans in real-time. This easy access to their data eliminates many problems, oversights, and inefficiencies.

    The main features for guests to the site are the ability to select Find Your Home, Build on Your Land, or Home Buyer Info.  Under the Find Your Home tab, potential customers can select communities in one of four states that offer move-in ready homes or available locations for a Grayhawk home to be custom built.  Under the Build on Your Land tab, guests can click through five easy steps for planning their dream home on their own property.  The Home Buyer Info tab is where customers can go to a Design Studio or click through a comprehensive Photo Gallery. This straightforward setup lets potential home buyers go straight to the section of the website that is relevant to their needs in a clear and concise way.

    The site is designed to allow home selection using an easy to locate and understand navigation menu. Building occurs in five easy steps: Selecting a floor plan, Selecting interior materials, Selecting exterior materials, Watch the progress of the build, and Move into your home.  The website allows customers to be included in the entire process.

    A vivid gallery of homes that have been recently constructed by Grayhawk Homes, testimonials from very satisfied customers, and information about financing are also easily accessible on the site. Customers can also be educated about the special siding features that Grayhawk offers to all of their clients and the Energy Star rating of their homes.

    The new website is very easy to navigate both for potential customers and for the client. The easy-flowing site ensures that clients have access to what they are looking for without having to page through endless content. This is a beneficial design layout for Grayhawk because home buyers are often quick to change pages if they cannot find the information they are seeking quickly.

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