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    How to Increase Sales for Your Small Business

    April 18, 2017

    Small businesses often have bigger hurdles to overcome when trying to increase sales. Whether you’re selling products or services, having the right strategies determines whether or not you succeed in today’s marketplace. Knowing how to increase sales for your small business helps you create a more efficient system for generating leads and converting those leads into paying customers. The following are the essentials to increasing your revenue and growing your business over time.

    Set Clear Objectives

    This fundamental step is the one that many business owners overlook. Clear objectives are defined by specific outcomes that can be measured. You should set timelines for your goals in order to determine the progress you make. Long and short-term goals must be defined and involve all of your key team members.

    Niche Your Business Down

    Most small businesses try to be everything to everyone. But this dilutes your marketing message and makes it difficult to reach customers who are more likely to purchase your products or services. By niching your business down, you focus your efforts and achieve greater success in the long run. Your target audience is more clearly defined and your message focuses on addressing the pain points, questions, and interests of prospective customers.

    Create a Referral System

    The referral is still one of the best forms of marketing for small and large businesses. Past clients are the greatest advertisers you could hope for. But businesses often fail to encourage or ask for referrals from their customers. Creating a referral system lets you consistently generate and track new leads from your existing network.

    Small businesses must encourage referrals immediately after customers have achieved the results that their services provide. This increases word-of-mouth advertising and spreads your brand’s message.

    Putting Yourself Out There

    Today’s small businesses must operate in an online marketplace. But offline marketing strategies can still give you better results. Your small business can create offline events that showcase its products or services and position you as a leader in your industry.

    Public speaking showcases your expertise and humanizes your brand. Networking events connect you with related businesses owners who may provide cross-marketing opportunities.

    Promoting your business can be done through partnerships with other non-competing companies who market to a similar target audience.

    Top-Rate Customer Service

    How you treat customers after a purchase is just as important to your business as the marketing strategies used to acquire them. Think of ways in which you can thank your best customers by providing additional value. Create new products or services that address secondary needs that existing customers may have. Your customers should be able to contact you easily, and your business should be responsive to all questions or feedback.

    Go above and beyond in your customer service. When mistakes occur, correct them as soon as possible and do everything you can to maintain the integrity of the customer’s experience with your brand.

    These are the essential steps for increasing sales for your small business. When combined, they help you achieve a new level of growth for your business while providing greater value to the people you serve.

    If you want to learn more about sales and selling, check out Meredith’s highly rated and acclaimed book on sales, FANtastic Selling.

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