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    How to Drive More Traffic to Your Website with Google Images

    July 24, 2018

    Google Images for SEOFor any website to be successful, it needs to have a constant stream of traffic. Visitors to a site generate interest and sales. This is just common information. Website owners and operators also know that SEO (search engine optimization) is crucial to being found by organic searches. However, there is only so much you can do to optimize your site with keywords.

    Everyone knows that keyword placement, keyword relevance, and keyword use is all important, but what do you do when your site has been perfected with keyword optimization and still want to generate new traffic? Not everyone can afford expensive advertising campaigns.  They now must look for other ways to optimize their site and make themselves relevant in search.

    Enter Google Image

    Images are one of the best ways that you can enhance viewing of your posts, articles, or web pages. People like visuals to compare with what they are reading. Social media experts have already revealed that posts with attached pictures are shared 4-1 over posts without pictures.

    Adding images to any post that you make can drive additional traffic to your site. Google has reported that Google Images received over 1 billion views per day! This means people are always looking for pictures. Attaching the right picture enhances the probability of someone finding your site that may not have reached it any other way.

    In addition to using Google Images, you can also create your own unique images to post to your pages and posts. Original artwork and photos will draw a lot of attention to your posts because they are not something you “see all the time” on the Internet. One of the few drawbacks of using Google Images is that you might select an image that hundreds of other people have already used.

    If you choose to use your own image, make sure that it is large enough to be clear and easy to interpret and relevant to your post. Just because you have an adorable picture of your dog that makes everyone laugh doesn’t mean that it is the right picture for your post. However, you could always write a post about your dog!

    Adding an image, however, is a very simple way to boost your search engine ranking and make your information more desirable to read. Many people scan articles or web pages when they first see them to see what catches their attention. If you have a relevant or appealing picture, you will get that attention and it will encourage them to stay on the page.

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