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    Home Builder #MarketingMondays – Are You Tracking Your Online Traffic?

    September 18, 2017

    Welcome to Home Builder #MarketingMondays at Meredith Communications! We’ve refocused our Monday posts to feature home builder marketing tips. This week, I’m taking you behind the scenes of one of our client’s Google Analytics accounts and explaining how you can better track how well your marketing campaigns (TV ads, radio spots, direct mail, email blasts, social media ads) convert into online traffic. Watch and enjoy!

    How Well Are You Tracking Your Online Traffic [1:47]

    Video Transcript:

    Welcome to another Marketing Monday at Meredith Communications. For this weeks post, I’m looking at a Google Analytics report for one of our Master Planned community clients. This is active adult community in the Northeast and I want to show you something cool.

    The date range is set for over the weekend, and this particular community ran some television advertising over the weekend, and if change your view to hourly, you can see exactly when that traffic hits the website. So, the tip that I’m gonna give you this week is, are you checking your Google Analytics to see when your marketing hits? Whether it’s direct mail, email, radio, television, boosted Facebook posts. Whatever it is, you should be able to see on the timeline, either by day, week, or hour, when that traffic’s hitting.

    And, if you’re spending a significant investment, you really should be checking to see, does that marketing translate into web traffic? And, not only does it translate into a high quantity of traffic, but what is the quality of that traffic look like? How many pages per session, how long do they stay, and what’s the bounce rate? And, these are all very respectable, great numbers, in this particular client’s case. So, that means the traffic push is a good quality, as well as quantity. Well, that’s another Marketing Monday, I hope this tip helps you, and I’ll see you next week. Thanks!

    Meredith Oliver is a digital marketing expert, sales and marketing professional speaker, and author. If you’d like more information on speaking engagements or books, visit MeredithSpeaks.com For sales and marketing tips, you’re at the right spot! Take a look around Meredith Communications. Follow her on Twitter: @MeredithCSP and follow her killer shoe collection on Instagram: @MeredithsShoes22.

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