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    Guest Post: Why You Aren’t Selling More Homes

    October 26, 2017

    I can’t think of another sales and marketing expert who is also a “mom” to 2,500-pound steer named Elvis. I bet you can’t either. And, that’s why audiences love Leah Turner! Fun, smart, and super savvy, my friend Leah Turner can teach you a lot about the art of sales. I love speaking with her and always learn something new. Her article is spot on and we so appreciate her contributions to our #ThoughtfulThursdays guest column.



    We’ve ALL heard the old saying that people do business with people they ‘Know, Like, and Trust’. And it is true! However, in today’s competitive market, you have to step up your game! It’s not as simple as JUST having your prospects know, like and trust you. You have to go beyond that and develop true relationships based on authenticity, genuine concern, and honesty. It’s call RELATIONSHIP selling. And, it is more important today than ever before!

    In relationship selling, the emphasis is less on the product or service and more about the relationship that you develop with your customers. The goal is to provide the ultimate customer experience possible to build loyalty (and referrals)!

    There are four key components you must master in order to create an environment that nurtures relationship selling.

    1. Emotional Connection: In sales, if you don’t create an emotional connection with your customers, chances are you won’t get the sale. In new home sales, purchasing a home is one of the most important (and expensive!) acquisitions a person will ever make! Developing an emotional connection with your customers means finding out all about them. It’s time to get personal! Ask questions about their family, their children, their pets. What do they like to do in their spare time? Where are they originally from? Where do they work? Are they involved with any charitable organizations? What’s important to them in their life? Be curious! Chances are that if you ask enough questions, you will find a ‘common thread’ that will allow you to make a big emotional connection with them.
    2. Empathetic Selling: Oftentimes people confuse sympathy with empathy. They are not the same. Sympathy is to acknowledge another person’s emotional hardships and provide comfort and assurance. You feel ‘sorry’ for them. But empathy is understanding what others are feeling because you have experienced it yourself. In other words, you put yourself in their shoes. Use phrases like ‘I understand what you are saying’, ‘thank you for sharing that with me’, “I have had a very similar experience’. Empathetic selling is very useful, especially when overcoming objections!
    3. Genuine Interest: Please note….there is a HUGE difference between feigning interest and GENUINE interest. We’ve ALL had that experience with a salesperson where they are asking us questions, but it is very obvious that they are not really listening to what we are saying. Feigning (or faking!) interest is far worse than not asking questions at all! Trust me, people can see through that immediately. When you have a genuine interest in a person…you are showing that you care about that person. You care about their interests, their well-being, and their happiness. You follow up with them. If they have questions, you provide them with answers. You go above and beyond the call of duty!
    1. Discover their Buying Motivator: People have a multitude of buying motivators. It’s our job as a sales professional to find out each customers buying motivator. Often we assume the buying motivator is tangible. ‘They need a 4 bedroom, 3 bath home with a 3 car garage.” While that could certainly be a component in their buying process, it’s usually not the primary motivator. Buying motivators could center on their financial situation, their social expectations or their personal circumstances. Take the time to ask the important questions to be crystal clear on their motivators.

    Remember, selling really is all about building relationships. Your job is to create the ideal environment and experience for each of your customers. Relationship selling is what will set you apart from the competition every….single…time.

    About The Author – Leah Turner

    Engaging. Inspirational. 
And ALWAYS Entertaining! 
Leah’s passion is partnering with individuals, businesses, and organizations to increase productivity, morale, and SALES. She has coached thousands 
of sales professionals sharing innovative practices and performance techniques that enhance sales skills.

    This highly-acclaimed speaker, trainer, and coach is a regular speaker at international, national and regional conferences, including the 
International Builder’s Show 
and the Southeast Builder’s Conference.

    Leah facilitates one-on-one coaching, customized training programs, and Sales Skill Assessments. Her experience and expertise in coaching, marketing and sales give her the competitive edge needed to deliver impactful, value-added programs to sales and marketing professionals. No bull about it, you will not be disappointed!

    Her delivery, format, and humor leave her audiences empowered, motivated and ready to take their professional and personal life to the next level!

    http://www.leahpturner.com/  |  http://www.melindabrody.com/services/sales-coaching/


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