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    Guest Blog | Engage More Customers With Scroll Stopping Content™

    September 7, 2017

    Guest Blog | Engage More Customers With Scroll Stopping Content™Welcome to another Thoughtful Thursday! Each week, Thursday features a new guest blogger to the site. I’m choosing FANtastic bloggers who know the ins and outs of sales and marketing. If you are interested in being a guest blogger, please drop us an email. So grab a cup of coffee and dive in! You’re sure to learn something new.

    Capturing the attention of today’s consumer is a lot like teaching the family pet a new trick.  Just when you think you’ve got the perfect message, something else pops up and your prospect is onto something else.  Kinda like “Squirrel!” is to a dog.

    According to the Content Marketing Institute, creating more engaging content is the top priority for content professionals when creating messaging from businesses to consumers. What can you do to keep consumers focused on your product or service?  Think about this: If a picture paints a thousand words, then a video paints a hundred thousand words.

    People are likely to remember only 10 percent of the information they hear three days later. When a relevant image is paired with that same message, however, 65 percent of the information is retained. The combination of sight, sound and motion elicits an emotional involvement not attained through other forms of media.

    A projection by telecommunications giant Cisco Systems, Inc., states that global internet traffic from videos will make up 80% of all internet traffic by 2019. Still not convinced that video is vital to your marketing plan? Consider the following:

    • 5% of marketers and small business owners in an Animoto survey who have used video marketing say it had a direct impact on their business.
    • 34% of B2C marketers say pre-produced video will be critical to content
    • More than 60% of marketers and small business owners said they planned to increase investment in video marketing this year
    • Six in 10 millennials prefer to watch a company video than read a newsletter or sift through a list of features.

    In order to create ‘scroll stopping content’™, we must first understand the video options currently available.

    Visit https://vimeo.com/realreach1 to view the videos referenced in the blog.


    The growth of UAV’s (unmanned aerial vehicles), more commonly called “drones” has provided a cost effective and accessible way to help generate a new stream of video content. Due to legal restrictions and hefty liability costs, hiring a licensed professional is highly recommended. Furthermore, a qualified drone photographer has the skill and knowledge to provide you with a video that will best highlight your product or service.


    Cinemographs are still photographs in which a minor and repeated movement occurs, forming a video clip. They are published as an animated GIF, and give the illusion that the viewer is watching an animation.

    Stock lifestyle video

    Instead of using stock photos use stock video to portray a lifestyle and elicit emotion.  This will set your project apart and differentiate you from still photos that are often seen by multiple advertisers.

    Green screen overlay

    Using stock green screen images over actual photography or a virtual rendering breathes life into your online promotion. There are no talent or shooting fees involved, making this an affordable choice for creating lifestyle videos.


    Associating a face with a product is a proven way to increase brand awareness. Ideal for the budget conscience individual, this method incorporates a spokesmodel recorded on a green screen with an overlay of a still photo or rendering.

    Google TrueView

    TrueView In-stream ads play before or during another video from a YouTube partner. Viewers see five seconds of your video and then have the choice to continue watching or ‘skip the ad’. You pay only when a viewer watches for at least 30 seconds or to the end of the video (whichever is shorter) or clicks on an element of your instream creative.

    Video discovery ads appear alongside other YouTube videos, in YouTube search pages, or on Google Display Network websites that match your target audience. You pay only when a viewer chooses to watch your video by clicking on the ad.

    Bumper Ads

    In a study of 600 bumper campaigns, bumper ads drove an average lift of 30 percent in ad recall. In order to make the most of your six-second bumper ad be sure to do at least one of the following:

    • Pack it with lots of action
    • Create a positive impression with fun, dynamic images
    • Include your product on screen
    • Hire a professional spokesmodel

    In today’s fast-paced marketplace time is of the essence when it comes to capturing a consumer’s attention.  Research shows that 71 percent of marketers say video conversion rates outperform other marketing content. Video helps you quickly cut through the clutter and maximize brand exposure and should be a key component in your marketing plan. Contact me to learn about our video package for Builders and Developers Nationwide.

    Meet the Author



    Jim Schaefer, President, CEO, RealReach Marketing

    RealReach Marketing provides social media marketing, paid search and content managed search engine marketing, and photography and videography services to businesses across the country. Jim is a certified Online Marketing Professional and Google AdWords Certified Partner.

    RealReach Marketing recently earned top honors from the Sales & Marketing Council of Tampa for Best Online Ad, Best Corporate Video, and Best Television Commercial. RealReach also won Best YouTube Video 2015 and Best Website Design 2016 at the Southeast Building Conference Excel and Aurora Awards. Jim serves as Secretary of the Florida Sales & Marketing Council.


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