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    Facebook Posting Don’ts

    July 10, 2018

    Facebook posting do's and don'tsFacebook is considered one of the greatest platforms for social interactions ever created. In recent month, users have grown increasingly frustrated by privacy concerns and other user’s bad behavior.  Social etiquette applies to social forums like Facebook. There are things that individuals and businesses should avoid doing just to be polite. We wanted to post a few quick reminders of do’s and don’ts on Facebook.

    Some of the things that are recommended for a more pleasant experience on and with Facebook include:

    For Individuals

    • Avoid Over Commenting. Really, you do not need to post a comment on every single thing that appears in your feed. All this does is blow up the feeds of other people and it will get to a point where no one wants to read anything that you have to say.
    • Wear Earbuds. In public or even when you are in the same room with someone else, if you are watching a video, watch it while wearing earbuds. Everyone does not want to hear what you are watching.
    • Cryptic Messages Are Bad. Don’t post a message simply stating “need prayers” or “hoping for help” without stating anything else. This can cause a panic among those who care about you thinking that something is terribly wrong. If you need prayers or are hoping for help, state why.
    • Shaming People. It is not okay to take someone’s picture that you do not know and post it on Facebook and shame them for their appearance or their actions.
    • Picking Fights. If something that is posted makes you angry, simply move on. Does it really matter in the real world? Starting a fight on Facebook can lead to real-world complications.

    For Professionals

    • Don’t Bad Talk Your Boss or Your Company. This kind of posting could really harm your career both now and in the future. This type of talk is meant for face-to-face conversations.
    • Don’t Bad Talk Your Competition. Saying you offer a better product or service is fine. Quoting all the issues with someone else’s product or service is just mean. People don’t like to work with companies they believe are mean-spirited.
    • Don’t Try To Friend Everyone On Facebook. It is just weird. Let people come to your business and make the request.
    • More Than Promotions. Tell a joke once in a while. Comment on the weather. People want to get a feeling about your company and they definitely want more than in-your-face advertising.
    • Avoid Politics and Religion. It does not matter how strongly you personally feel about any type of political or religious situation. Stay off of these topics. Period.

    Of course, there are many other things that you can do on Facebook that would make the experience more pleasant. The best thing to keep in mind before you make a post is to ask yourself:”What would my mom say?” If you can see your mom being very disappointed, then it may be best to avoid that type of post or behavior.

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