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    Experience Ad Campaign Success with These 3 Tips

    October 24, 2019

    In the home building industry, like many other industries, advertising is essential to showing potential customers what you’ve got. But an advertising campaign needs to be properly managed if you really want it to hit home! And that’s why working with a company that specializes in this type of work—such as Meredith Communications—can help ensure your campaign’s success. Not only do those of us working in marketing and advertising daily understand the (constantly!) changing landscape of the advertising world and the tools to get there, but we can also help you come up with a strategy that works…especially when it comes to paid search! When working with the pros, always consider the following three tips to help you experience ad campaign success.

    1. Eliminate Negative Search Terms 

    What are people typing into the search bar to find your site? Don’t worry—in this instance, I don’t mean “negative keywords” like “bad reputation!” Google can actually show you what search terms are linking people to your ads. Search terms that discover your ads but that aren’t related to your brand or industry are called negative keywords. Your agency can stop those terms from leading to your ad so you won’t waste your money on ads that aren’t helping your campaign success. Cool, right? Eliminating these terms will also keep your brand from being associated with the terms that are unrelated to your business. 

    2. Discover Where Your Ads Are Appearing

    Here’s some important advice: You don’t want your display ads to show up on sites that will not help your brand. It seems straightforward but if you don’t know what you’re doing with your advertising you’d be surprised with how often this happens! As an example, your ad for brand new custom-built homes wouldn’t catch the right audience on a site about rehabbing old homes—right? Further, on this point, you wouldn’t want your ad showing up on a site for a product or service that you don’t personally endorse. Keep on top of where your ad is displaying by running a Placements report. This report will show you where your ad is appearing and you can use it to edit your placements. 

    3. Understand Paid Versus Organic Clicks

    A Paid Versus Organic report will show you whether people are finding your site organically or through paid searches. This report lists keywords that are organically leading people to your site. By analyzing this list you can see where to target your ads. Save your limited ad budget by not paying to display your ad for search terms that people are already using to find your site! You can instead use your funds on searches that are showing paid success. 

    Need more advertising advice? Interested in having someone handle the headaches of online advertising for you? Don’t hesitate to contact Meredith Communications!

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