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    Toolbox Tuesdays: The Dos of an Effective PPC Campaign

    August 8, 2017

    The Dos of an Effective PPC Campaign

    PPC using Google AdWords can be one of the most effective ways to grow your business. When done correctly, it drives highly targeted traffic to your website, much more quickly than SEO or other digital marketing campaigns. PPC is also much more cost effective than other digital marketing techniques. The key to running a successful PPC campaign that gets you the most buying viewers to your website is following a few simple dos and don’ts. We are covering the do’s with these week’s #ToolboxTuesdays post and next week we will cover the don’ts.

    Things to Do for Effective PPC

    • Research keywords. Look at both longtail and short keywords. Using Google’s AdWords Keywords Tool is the simplest, most effective place to search for keywords, but don’t stop there. Search on the keywords you’re thinking of using and see who your competitors are.
    • Categorize your keywords. Grouping them by theme and relevance to a particular target group increases the quality score of your PPC campaign and ensures your ads reach people who are most likely to respond to them. And the better your quality score, the better pricing you receive for future ads.
    • Have a professional website and landing page. Getting potential customers to click on your ad is only one part of completing the sale. Once they’re on your site, they need to be motivated to complete the purchase. The key here is a website and landing page that easily funnel them through to your checkout page with lots of purchases.
    • If you’re focusing on local clientele, use Geographic Targeting. Unless your target market is the entire planet, pick something. It can be a country, regional, states or cities. The clearer you are about the area where you’re target market lives and works, the more effective your ad will be.
    • Use Conversion Tracking. This helps you see how many clicks became actual purchases. It also helps you see which keywords and ads had the best ROI.
    • Conduct split tests and re-optimize based on the results. The best PPC campaigns make use of different versions of ads and landing pages. See which ones have the best clickthrough and purchase rates. Then adapt your ads to capitalize on that information.

    Running an effective PPC campaign is an effective and cost-efficient way to grow your business. For help setting up any aspect of your PPC campaign, contact Meredith Communications for a free initial consultation.

    Meredith Oliver is a digital marketing expert, sales and marketing professional speaker, and author. If you’d like more information on speaking engagements or books, visit MeredithSpeaks.com For sales and marketing tips, you’re at the right spot! Take a look around Meredith Communications. Follow her on Twitter: @MeredithCSP and follow her killer shoe collection on Instagram: @MeredithsShoes22.

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