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    Don’t Miss the 21st Century Building Expo and Conference This September 

    June 11, 2019

    The 21st Century Building Expo and Conference is the premier conference for home building professionals in North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Georgia, and Tennessee. Boasting 2500+ attendees, 170+ exhibits, and 45+ seminars over three days, Meredith Communications is honored to be a part of it! Hosted by the North Carolina Home Builders Association, the conference will run September 10-12 at the Charlotte Convention Center. It’s an awesome educational opportunity for home builders, developers, remodelers, and real estate agents.  If you are in the home building industry, you can’t afford to miss it. And good news—registration is now open! 

    As with any industry, keeping up with current trends and products is essential to success. The conference provides opportunities to do just that. Along with NAHB education courses and North Carolina Builder Institute Courses, the conference provides a wide range of general seminars that will introduce new techniques, products, and industry trends. Plus, the networking opportunities can’t be beat. But not only will those in attendance be able to meet others in the industry. The conference will feature suppliers and manufacturers that can help you meet all of your business needs.  

    Looking for more reasons to attend? The STARS Awards honors the achievements of home building industry professionals from across North Carolina. From marketing and advertising work to remodeling to special projects, there’s a category for everyone. This year also features the first ever 21 CBEC Block Party. It’s an opportunity for attendees to enjoy free craft beer, refreshments, and networking on the Expo floor. And as a special treat, celebrity guest Steve Smith Sr., former wide receiver for the Carolina Panthers, will be in attendance. 

    Over the years, Meredith Communications had the pleasure of producing all of the conference branding and marketing materials. This year’s theme is “Building Community” and we feel that our marketing materials help do just that. Among the marketing materials that we produced are overall branding, the conference website, direct mail pieces, SEO, PPC, retargeting banners, a 16-page brochure, and a 40-page onsite Expo guide. Check out the conference website. The site lists all of the scheduled educational classes and featured speakers who will be in attendance. You will also find information about the conference site, how to attend, door prizes, scheduled exhibitors, and how to register for a booth.  

    If you’re looking to increase your industry knowledge, the conference is not to be missed. We’ll see you there! And if you’re interested in hiring Meredith Communications to help you market your business, check out all of our offerings now. 

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