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    What’s Appening Wednesdays | Grammarly

    This week instead of a video, I’m doing a screen share to show you my favorite new browser plugin, Grammarly. If you write social media posts, blog posts, and/or frequently complete online forms, Grammarly helps you write mistake free. There is...


    Toolbox Tuesdays: The Difference Between WordPress.com and WordPress.org

    As you’ve been looking at building your website, you’ve likely come across both WordPress.org and WordPress.com and now you’re wondering, what’s the difference? The biggest difference between WordPress.com and WordPress.org is who is hosting your site. With WordPress.org, YOU host...

    Home Builder Marketing & Sales

    Home Builder Marketing Mondays: Thompson Homes Launches New Website

    Thompson Homes has been building homes in northwestern Kentucky for over 60 years, with a tradition of excellence that now extends into its third generation. As a family-owned company, they approach business differently than other builders – focusing on their...

    Career Advice

    Guest Post | New Home Salesperson Branding Tips

    As I was brainstorming names for possible guest bloggers for our #ThoughtfulThursday column, Quint Lears immediately popped up in my mind. Quint is a new home salesperson and the founder of www.NewHomeSales.com. He is a devoted student of the home...

    Toolbox Tuesdays

    3 Ways a New Website Can Save You Money

    In the market for a new website? What is the goal of the project? What do you want the new website to do that is different from your current site? Most of our clients focus on making more sales with a...

    Career Advice

    Guest Post: Why You Aren’t Selling More Homes

    I can’t think of another sales and marketing expert who is also a “mom” to 2,500-pound steer named Elvis. I bet you can’t either. And, that’s why audiences love Leah Turner! Fun, smart, and super savvy, my friend Leah Turner...

    Home Builder Marketing & Sales

    Home Builder Marketing Mondays : Google Search Trends

      What does this graph mean to you? In case you aren’t familiar, the Google Trends tool allows you to enter any search query and see the search volume for that term. You can set custom query parameters such as date range, location,...

    Career Advice

    Guest Post: How To Be Pursued in Today’s Job Market

    For this week’s #ThoughtfulThursday guest post, I invited Tricia Lucas, a sales and marketing recruiter extraordinaire, to share her tips on how to get the ultimate marketing or sales job of our dreams. Tricia and I serve together on the American...


    What’s ‘Appening Wednesdays | Stitch Fix

    This week’s app recommendation is so much more than an app; it’s my personal branding superpower. Let’s face it, right or wrong, our image and how we present ourselves to the world matters. Whether you need help developing your style or...

    Toolbox Tuesdays

    Toolbox Tuesdays: Melinda Brody & Co Launches New Brand

    Melinda Brody & Company has provided innovative video shopping services and sales coaching to leading home builders around the country for over 30 years. As the industry leader in video mystery shopping, production and custom home builders have come to...



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    Sales and marketing advice, tips, and strategies for home builders.

    August Marketing Pro of the Month Pat Sommer

    How are we already in August? I’m actually thrilled because it means that I get to introduce you to an all-new Marketing Pro of the Month! Her candor in this interview, especially as it relayed to her successes and mistakes...

    FANtastic Marketing Example—GoDaddy

    You probably remember the GoDaddy marketing campaign of years’ past. You know the ones: They featured attractive women including Natalia Velez, Rachelle Wood, and Michelle Hayden in skimpy outfits parading around the GoDaddy logo. It doesn’t take a marketing genius...

    Housing Upgrades Millennials Don’t Care For

    Millennials are a big part of the current housing market. But as a digital, pet-loving, less formal generation, millennials have different requirements for their homes than other generations. And as a homebuilder, it’s essential you understand what this demographic is...

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