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    Toolbox Tuesday | Difference Between Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

    February 27, 2018

    Virtual Reality vs. Augmented RealityTechnology is changing the way people interact with the world. Augmented reality and virtual reality enable people to experience the world in completely new ways – and they’re changing the way people buy homes. At this year’s International Builders’ Show, virtual reality was the hottest technology trend.

    What is Augmented Reality?










    If you watched the Opening Ceremonies for this year’s Olympic Games on TV, you experienced augmented reality. Essentially, AR uses technology to enhance what’s going on in front of you. People seeing the Ceremonies in person missed out. When it comes to selling homes, AR can be used to overlay virtual tours or other videos to help potential buyers experience what it would be like to live there.

    What is Virtual Reality?

    Virtual reality has been around a little bit longer but is just as amazing as it was when it first came out. Using a pair of special goggles, viewers have the experience of truly being somewhere else. They could be on a VR beach while riding a crowded train or having dinner with the President while sitting in their PJs at home.

    VR tech has huge possibilities for home builders! You can give potential buyers a VR tour before the model is even complete! And you can do it from anywhere! How often have you connected with a buyer at an expo or show? With VR, you can show them homes that might be a great match for their needs right there in the crowded convention center.

    Instead of just talking about the floor-to-ceiling windows, the cozy fireplace, or spacious first-floor master bedroom, you can give interested people the experience of seeing, walking through, and touch the home on the spot.

    Thanks to gaming devices like Oculus, and use of AR in mainstream media, consumers are becoming more comfortable with the use of technology in their day to day lives and will be excited to experience it as part of their home buying process.

    If you are interested in creating an immersive experience for your home buyers that shortens the buying cycle, consult with BDX. They are at the forefront of interactive tools for the industry and have many tools to help you sell more homes.

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