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    Guest Blog | Defusing Difficult People

    August 31, 2017

    Guest Blog | Defusing Difficult People

    Welcome to another Thoughtful Thursday! Every Thursday we feature a guest blogger. I’m only choosing FANtastic bloggers who know the ins and outs of sales and marketing. If you are interested in being a guest blogger, please drop us an email. So grab a cup of coffee and dive in! You’re sure to learn something new.

    It is a fact that people do business with people that they ‘know, like and trust’. Building relationships is paramount to being successful in sales! However, it isn’t always easy building relationships with people, especially with those that can be difficult.

    You know the type….they come into your sales offices DEMANDING a discount before you even show them a floor plan. Or, they QUESTION EVERYTHING… from the cost of the kitchen island to the color of the bathroom grout. In new home sales we are going to be put in situations where we have to deal with difficult people! So, what can we do about it? Here are a few tips!

    1. Recognize that all of us have behavioral types. We tend to automatically be drawn to those who are similar to us. ‘Difficult’ people tend to be those whose behaviors are unlike or opposite of ours. Don’t try to change them, accept them and learn how to adapt your behaviors to compliment theirs. Understanding YOUR behaviors helps in understanding those who are different than you are….and ultimately being more able to adapt.  For example, if you are dealing with introverted prospects, who are quiet and methodical in their decision making, you may need to slow down your presentation, allow for ‘quiet time’ and let them process at their own pace. The important thing is to be aware of the signals (verbal and non-verbal) that your prospects are giving you and then adapt to meet their needs.
    2. Discover the art of empathetic selling. Observe the situation from your buyer’s perspective. Put yourself in their shoes! Understanding their mindset and situation will help you align and endear yourself to them.
    3. Appreciate the fact that people are different! The world would be boring if there was only one flavor of ice cream.
    4. Don’t take it personally. Realize that ‘difficult’ people are not attacking you personally (in most cases!). They are trying to fulfill their needs in purchasing a home. This is a stressful time for people! Can you really blame them for trying to negotiate the best price or get answers to all their questions? This is really isn’t about you….it’s about them.
    5. Finally, learn to ‘let it go’. Not EVERYONE is going to LIKE you! But, the true sales professional will rise above that and do whatever it takes to create the ultimate sales experience for their client.

    In addition to video mystery shopping, sales coaching and training, Melinda Brody & Company offers Behavior Assessments (DISC), Sales Skill Index profiles and much more to assist you in working with ‘difficult people’. Please visit our NEW website at www.melindabrody.com to learn more.



    Meet the Author


    Ben Marks

    Ben joined Melinda Brody and Company in 2016, bringing over 20 years of experience working with a variety of sales and marketing teams, residential contractors, and design groups. Passionate about inspiring others to develop their innate potential, Ben is recognized by his peers as a strong, empowering, and compassionate leader. He is an enthusiastic team builder with an outstanding interpersonal capability and excellent communication skills. At Melinda Brody and Company, Ben is focused on developing the client base and ensuring the highest levels of customer service.


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