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    Click Power: The Proven System Home Builders Use to Drive More Traffic, Leads, and Sales

    February 5, 2018

    Home Builder Marketing MondaysOnline marketing. What is it? When I use the term online marketing, I refer to the process of marketing your homes online. It is critical to understand that having a website is not the same as online marketing. Your website is like a business card. If you always keep your business cards in your wallet, purse, or on your desk, your sales won’t increase. Right? But when you hand your business card to a prospective customer and converse about what you have to offer, your sales have a better chance at increasing. That’s active marketing. And the same situation applies to your website.

    You want visitors and prospective clients to land on your website. But how is this done? Through search engines, mobile advertising, social media, email marketing, etc. Online marketing can be a powerful tool for your business. Your customers and clients are online and researching products and services. You want to be where they can find you. Additionally, it helps broaden your reach to people you might not otherwise have met or interacted with. Not to mention, you don’t really have a choice otherwise. If you want to remain competitive, you have to get on board. Google your company. What shows up? Do you? Or does a competitor? Especially if your competitor is showing up, you have no choice but to be online and start marketing.

    So what next? Your number one call-to-action is to drive in-person traffic. Websites don’t sell homes – relationships do. Shoppers buy from people they like and trust. You want your website to convey that. The key to customizing your strategy is to look at each step of the process and decide which tactics would work best for you.

    The Click Power System™ is a roadmap to a successful sales and marketing strategy. It outlines five building blocks for success. You need all five for more traffic, online leads, and sales.

    1. Your website (the foundation)
    2. Website marketing (driving traffic to your website)
    3. Prospect follow-up (building the relationship)
    4. Online onsite marriage (closing the sale)
    5. Measure results (track, review, & revise)

    Today’s post is an excerpt from Click Power, Meredith’s book written specifically for the new home building and residential real estate industry. It’s a comprehensive, digital marketing how-to guide for home builders. Meredith steps you through the sometimes overwhelming maze of web marketing and shows you how to optimize your potential online. Order it online at Amazon.com.

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