Our Blog

Thoughtful Thursdays

Guest Blogs

Guest Post | When Customer Service Wins!

We’re back this week with another guest post. Please give a warm welcome to Carrie Grace, a motivational speaker who travels the country speaking on kindness. She’s sharing one of her experiences where customer service went above and beyond and...

Guest Blogs

Guest Post | Listen First and Talk Later: Three Persuasive Steps to Earn Trust

This week we have Michael Barbera, chief behavioral officer at Clicksuasion Labs, on the blog! He’s sharing his three tips to earn trust with your prospective clients. We have such a short time to make a great impression with leads...

Guest Blogs

Guest Post | Great Marketing Is About Telling Your Story

We’re so happy to have Mollie Elkman from Group Two on the blog today! Group Two is known as “THE Ad Agency For Home Builders” and we couldn’t agree more. We’ve had the chance to partner with Group Two and it’s always...

Guest Blogs

Do You Have an Underperforming Community?

This week we have Kathy Tucker from New Home Solutions on the blog discussing 6 reasons why sales are slow and how to determine what’s causing the issue if you have an underperforming community. A great read for home builders!...

Guest Blogs

3 Ways CRM Improves New Home Marketing

This week for our #ThoughtfulThursday column we have Thaïs Cuffy, Marketing Manager for Lasso Data Systems. She’s sharing 3 (of the many!) benefits of having a CRM in your sales process. Some of the points she highlights include controlling messaging with welcome...

Guest Blogs

Guest Post | Whose Voice Are You Listening To?

This week I’m happy to welcome Thomas Miller, from Leaders Building Leaders, on the blog for today’s edition of #ThoughtfulThursdays. He’s sharing some of the things he’s learned in his business – including who you should be listening to in your...

Guest Blogs

Guest Post | Feedback and Listening: Crucial Developing Culture Skills for Small Businesses

Today we have Nanci Appleman-Vassil the President and Chief Learning officer at APLS Group on the blog. She’s sharing with us her tips for feedback and listening and how to build an effective company culture – especially as a small...

Guest Blogs

Guest Post | 3 Ways to Make Blogging Easier

Today’s guest post is from Karin Wiberg of Clear Sight Books. As a writer, she knows how important blogging can be …. but coming up with content on a regular basis can be tough! Who’s with me? Karin shares 3...

Guest Blogs

Guest Post | How to Overcome Rejection

This week on the blog we have Carrie Grace – a motivational speaker who travels the United States on a mission to leave the world better than she found it. She recently completed a rejection challenge where she spent 30...

Guest Blogs

5 Easy Things Any Salesperson Can Do to Generate Leads

This week on the blog we’re featuring Kimberly Mackey from New Homes Solutions Consulting. She’s discussing five easy things any salesperson can do to generate leads. Did you know you’re more likely to convert a self-generated lead over a walk-in lead...


Just Ask Meredith Blog

Sales and marketing advice, tips, and strategies for home builders.

August Marketing Pro of the Month Pat Sommer

How are we already in August? I’m actually thrilled because it means that I get to introduce you to an all-new Marketing Pro of the Month! Her candor in this interview, especially as it relayed to her successes and mistakes...

FANtastic Marketing Example—GoDaddy

You probably remember the GoDaddy marketing campaign of years’ past. You know the ones: They featured attractive women including Natalia Velez, Rachelle Wood, and Michelle Hayden in skimpy outfits parading around the GoDaddy logo. It doesn’t take a marketing genius...

Housing Upgrades Millennials Don’t Care For

Millennials are a big part of the current housing market. But as a digital, pet-loving, less formal generation, millennials have different requirements for their homes than other generations. And as a homebuilder, it’s essential you understand what this demographic is...

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