Our Blog


Crisis Marketing

5 Secrets for Maximizing Sales Conversions

2020 started out incredibly strong for many homebuilders. By February many of you were at an all-time high. And then COVID hit in March which is where things took a southern turn. But slowly—April, May, and even June saw many...


Are You Doing One Of These Real Estate Photo Fails?

Virtual selling has never been more important than it is right now. And as someone who sells houses, you probably understand the importance of great visuals when it comes to capturing the attention of online home browsers. But here’s the...

Crisis Marketing

5 Tips for Creating Successful Virtual Events

These are unprecedented times, aren’t they? And with businesses and organizations closed and people staying at home to practice social distancing…what is to become of your event? It’s true that you won’t be able to host it in person—at least...

Home Builder Marketing & Sales

Use Interactive Floor Plans To Showcase Your Best Features In 2019

If you’re a home builder you know all about market trends. What buyers want to see changes from year to year. And only fifteen years ago, potential buyers had to drive to model homes to get a feel for what...

5 Easy-To-Use Home Builder Apps

5 Easy-To-Use Home Builder Apps

As a home builder, you probably access tools on your smartphone or tablet—like your calculator and calendar—regularly. But did you know that today’s technology offers home builders a variety of apps designed to make your job even easier? From staying...


Live Chat Dos & Don’ts

Homebuilders that are featuring a live chat option on their websites have seen a significant increase in potential buyers. Visitors to the site enjoy being able to contact someone on the spot with a question. Having the ability to answer...


Google Maps API No Longer Free

Beginning in June of this year, Google changed the structure for their Maps API. This has significantly impacted our clients that have maps on their websites. The increase was ridiculously high, over 1,400 percent, and many homebuilders are now seeing...


Recommended Tool – DashThis

Digital marketing is a necessity for those who want to increase the sales of their product or services on the Internet. Reaching potential clients on the various platforms is part of every marketing strategy. However, tracking all of these platforms...


GeoFencing – What Is It and How Does It Work?

One of the latest technologies to enhance marketing is known as geofencing. This type of technology allows businesses to target a specific geographic area to market digitally. Marketing specialists can then use very specific advertisements or informational packets to encourage...

Guest Blogs

Guest Post | Rethinking Real Estate: The Top 5 Digital Trends for Marketing to “In-Market” Home Buyers

This week we have Mario Avila, a real estate broker, on the blog. Since The National Association of Realtors just released their Profile of Home Buyers survey results, he’s discussing the top 5 digital trends for marketing to “in-market” home...


Just Ask Meredith Blog

Sales and marketing advice, tips, and strategies for home builders.

August Marketing Pro of the Month Pat Sommer

How are we already in August? I’m actually thrilled because it means that I get to introduce you to an all-new Marketing Pro of the Month! Her candor in this interview, especially as it relayed to her successes and mistakes...

FANtastic Marketing Example—GoDaddy

You probably remember the GoDaddy marketing campaign of years’ past. You know the ones: They featured attractive women including Natalia Velez, Rachelle Wood, and Michelle Hayden in skimpy outfits parading around the GoDaddy logo. It doesn’t take a marketing genius...

Housing Upgrades Millennials Don’t Care For

Millennials are a big part of the current housing market. But as a digital, pet-loving, less formal generation, millennials have different requirements for their homes than other generations. And as a homebuilder, it’s essential you understand what this demographic is...

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