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Marketing Mondays

Home Builder Marketing & Sales

Home Builder Marketing Mondays : Google Search Trends

  What does this graph mean to you? In case you aren’t familiar, the Google Trends tool allows you to enter any search query and see the search volume for that term. You can set custom query parameters such as date range, location,...

FANtastic Selling Tips

Home Builder #MarketingMondays: Write Like You Talk

One of the most critical skills for the modern salesperson or marketer is to write like you talk. If you want to convert more home shoppers to home buyers, your emails, social media posts, website copy and email campaigns need...

Career Advice

Home Builder #MarketingMondays: Take The Quiz

Happy Monday! Every Monday at Meredith Communications is Home Builder #MarketingMonday where we focus on marketing tips specifically for home builders. This week I am teaching the NAHB Institute of Residential Marketing (IRM) Courses at the Greater Atlanta Home Builders...

Home Builder Marketing & Sales

Home Builder #MarketingMondays: Zillow Research Trends & Tools

Happy Monday! Every Monday at Meredith Communications is Home Builder #MarketingMonday where we focus on marketing tips specifically for home builders. I recently spoke at and attended the Women In Residential Construction Conference in Scottsdale, AZ. It is an amazing conference...

Home Builder Marketing & Sales

Home Builder #MarketingMondays – Are You Tracking Your Online Traffic?

Welcome to Home Builder #MarketingMondays at Meredith Communications! We’ve refocused our Monday posts to feature home builder marketing tips. This week, I’m taking you behind the scenes of one of our client’s Google Analytics accounts and explaining how you can...

Digital Marketing

Our Top 3 Digital Marketing Articles | September 11

Welcome to #MarketingMondays at Meredith Communications! One of the toughest challenges of being a marketer in the information age is staying current on the newest trends, hot research and new tactics. I spend hours every week reading new sales and...

Digital Marketing

Our Top 3 Digital Marketing Articles | September 4

Welcome to #MarketingMondays at Meredith Communications! One of the toughest challenges of being a marketer in the information age is staying current on the newest trends, hot research and new tactics. I spend hours every week reading new sales and...

FANtastic Marketing Tips

Our Top 3 Digital Marketing Articles | August 28

Welcome to #MarketingMondays at Meredith Communications! One of the toughest challenges of being a marketer in the information age is staying current on the newest trends, hot research and new tactics. I spend hours every week reading new sales and...

FANtastic Marketing Tips

Our Top 3 Digital Marketing Articles | August 21

Welcome to #MarketingMondays at Meredith Communications! One of the toughest challenges of being a marketer in the information age is staying current on the newest trends, hot research and new tactics. I spend hours every week reading new sales and...

Marketing Mondays

Our Top 3 Digital Marketing Articles | August 14

Welcome to #MarketingMondays at Meredith Communications! One of the toughest challenges of being a marketer in the information age is staying current on the newest trends, hot research and new tactics. I spend hours every week reading new sales and...


Just Ask Meredith Blog

Sales and marketing advice, tips, and strategies for home builders.

August Marketing Pro of the Month Pat Sommer

How are we already in August? I’m actually thrilled because it means that I get to introduce you to an all-new Marketing Pro of the Month! Her candor in this interview, especially as it relayed to her successes and mistakes...

FANtastic Marketing Example—GoDaddy

You probably remember the GoDaddy marketing campaign of years’ past. You know the ones: They featured attractive women including Natalia Velez, Rachelle Wood, and Michelle Hayden in skimpy outfits parading around the GoDaddy logo. It doesn’t take a marketing genius...

Housing Upgrades Millennials Don’t Care For

Millennials are a big part of the current housing market. But as a digital, pet-loving, less formal generation, millennials have different requirements for their homes than other generations. And as a homebuilder, it’s essential you understand what this demographic is...

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