Our Blog



ROOMKEY: FANtastic Marketing or a Marketing Fail?

I travel a lot. It comes with the nature of my business. While there are days—even weeks—that are squished together and completely hectic, I thoroughly enjoy the opportunity to get out of my front door and into another part of...


FANtastic Marketing Don’t: The Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show

Are you a business owner? Then you probably have goals in mind when it comes to your organization. Goals that go a little something like this: Discover which marketing trends and tactics will give me the biggest ROI Grow my...


Are You Marketing Your Warranty Coverage?

As a homebuilder you know that your new construction homes have many advantages over pre-existing homes. A few of the advantages are obvious: customization, newer and better construction materials, and open concepts not often seen in older homes. But a...


Building Homes for Future Buyers

Studies show that millennials are more likely to purchase a home than people in other generations within the next year. Great, you may be thinking. How does this affect me? As it turns out, a whole lot if you’re in...


Experience Ad Campaign Success with These 3 Tips

In the home building industry, like many other industries, advertising is essential to showing potential customers what you’ve got. But an advertising campaign needs to be properly managed if you really want it to hit home! And that’s why working...


Why Search Intent Matters For Your Home Building Business

Before we dive too deep into this topic, let’s start with an easy-to-understand explanation: Search intent is the motivation that a person has when they enter their search terms into a search engine. They’re looking to build a new home...


Nope! You Actually CAN’T Advertise That.

You’ve probably heard all about online advertising. And chances are you’ve been the target of some of it, too. But did you know that there are some things that can’t be advertised on social media? This always comes as a...


Paid Searches: How They Work And Why You Should Care

Which is better, SEO or Paid Search? This is a question asked over and over by our clients. And the answer is simple: It really depends on your goals. If you want a fast, easy, DIY option, then Paid Search...


Just Ask Meredith Blog

Sales and marketing advice, tips, and strategies for home builders.

August Marketing Pro of the Month Pat Sommer

How are we already in August? I’m actually thrilled because it means that I get to introduce you to an all-new Marketing Pro of the Month! Her candor in this interview, especially as it relayed to her successes and mistakes...

FANtastic Marketing Example—GoDaddy

You probably remember the GoDaddy marketing campaign of years’ past. You know the ones: They featured attractive women including Natalia Velez, Rachelle Wood, and Michelle Hayden in skimpy outfits parading around the GoDaddy logo. It doesn’t take a marketing genius...

Housing Upgrades Millennials Don’t Care For

Millennials are a big part of the current housing market. But as a digital, pet-loving, less formal generation, millennials have different requirements for their homes than other generations. And as a homebuilder, it’s essential you understand what this demographic is...

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