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    Buffington Homes Launches New Website

    June 5, 2018

    Buffington Homes is a well-established home builder with deep connections to Austin. Their communities and home designs are truly a reflection of what it means to live in the Austin area. To achieve this goal, Buffington Homes hired Meredith Communications to recreate their website. It was the goal of Buffington to have their new website reflect their dedication to the city and to base their new site on the theme that “We Are Austin.”

    We approached the new site design by wanting to make a very pronounced statement that Buffington Homes “is” Austin. We chose a stunning aerial picture of Austin that shows the city in its entirety. The breathtaking view of the city as a whole gives the impression that the builder is all about Austin.

    The second part of the website project was to incorporate our proprietary Word Press Home Builder CMS program into the site. The previous website operated by Buffington Homes was also designed by our company but used an earlier version of the CMS program.

    The new Home Builder CMS provides benefits to both the end user of the website as well as the site owner. Customers can easily search the site to find current Buffington Homes communities, floor plans for new homes or properties that are available for sale. The use of drop-down menus that are located at the top of the page allows for easy navigation of the site.

    On the back end of the site, Buffington Homes can easily manage their website in real-time. There are never any questions about property availability because the information is continually updated to reflect current stock. Buffington can also use this feature to add properties and home designs for future projects.

    To enhance the user experience, we decided that it was imperative that visitors to the site have quick access to the exact part of the site that interests them. We included a page dedicated to Buffington communities, available properties, home designs, and a stunning gallery of completed properties by Buffington.

    A page was dedicated to the steps that are necessary to build your own home and another page dedicated to what every new homeowner should expect during the process. Another page was dedicated to financing.

    For visitors to the site that are unsure about building their own home, we dedicated a link specifically to testimonials from satisfied clients of Buffington. For visitors who wish to get to know Buffington Homes better before committing to a purchase, we have included a detailed information page about who Buffington is and what their company stands for in the industry.

    A final access area for visitors is the contact page that allows anyone interested in purchasing a home to contact Buffington Homes directly or locate a realtor. A page is also dedicated to home warranty information for new and current customers of Buffington Homes.

    Buffington Homes also secured additional services from Meredith Communications to perform SEO for their site as well as all of their blogging. Meredith Communications previously developed the last two websites for Buffington Homes and is pleased to help them establish their new brand of “We Are Austin.”

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