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    Blogging for SEO

    July 3, 2018

    Blogging for SEOOne of the best ways to help your business stand out on the internet is through blogging. Writing informational material about your products or services is an easy way to convert visitors to your site into customers. Blogging helps customers feel “connected” to the business.

    For successful blogging, you are encouraged to follow these five simple guidelines:

    1. Recommended word count 350+ — the longer the better

    Your blog post should be at least 350 words in length, with 500 words being considered “on spot.” It should be broken into small paragraphs with headings to make it easy to scan for information. Your blog post should also contain relevant information to the title of the blog. Blogs should be information-specific. Don’t flow through too many subjects in one blog; people will lose interest.

    2. Informational not promotional topics

    You should use the opportunity of the blog to help your potential customer feel connected to the product. Explain some benefits or uncommon uses of your product or service. Allow the reader to explore the topic. However, don’t be salesy, or they simply will not read any further.

    3. Incorporate keyword phrases no more than 2X

    Nothing is more aggravating than reading a paragraph or article that continually uses the same phrases over and over or in inappropriate context so that they can rank in Google search. Use your key phrases only twice, and make sure that they flow. You can also write blog posts without any specific keywords if you like. This can draw traffic only to a specific product.

    4. Link to other resources on your site

    If you are referring to the use of a product or service, or perhaps a complimentary product or service, put a link in the blog to that page of your site. Do not overly use this trick, but it does help customers find relevant information on your site more easily. One of the best types of links that you can put in your articles are links to warranties and guarantees. This gives your potential customer reassurance that the products or services are backed for satisfaction.

    5. Answer your customer’s most frequently asked questions

    Need a topic for your blog? Think about frequently asked questions about your products or services and write a blog answering these questions. Many people will gain a better understanding of your business this way and feel more inclined to make a purchase. You can also address potential issues that may occur or that you have experienced with other customers. Perhaps a customer in the past has experienced a problem with misusing the product a certain way and was unaware that this was an issue. Use this information to create a post to help prevent others from having this same problem.

    These five simple guidelines can help you create effective blogs for your site. A blog post once or twice a week can have a positive impact on your site and sales. Connecting with customers is very important for internet sales and is the easiest way to help your site and your business stand apart from the competition.

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