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    Beat Your Competition With These Three Marketing Secrets

    February 28, 2019

    Do you feel like you’re lagging behind the home builder competition? In today’s digital savvy world, you often only see the upside of people’s lives and businesses. So when you’re struggling to find new customers, it’s easy to convince yourself that you’re simply not good enough. But the truth is, a lot of people in the home builder world have struggled to find new customers. That doesn’t stop them from acting like they have it all together, though! And that form of digital marketing—confident marketing— is what makes people want to work with your business over the other guy. But how do you master it? Below, I’m revealing three secrets to becoming more like the competition you’re constantly in awe of.

    Secret #1: Learn one platform at a time.

    Many newer home building businesses think that because their competition seems to be doing it all marketing-wise, that they must too in order to keep up. So they open five different social media accounts, struggle to master SEO, spend hundreds or even thousands on PPC ads—and quickly find that none of it is working for them. What the pros know is that it’s less about how much marketing you have and more about how well you do it. Chances are that someone with multiple marketing touchpoints built up to them. They started out with one or two social platforms and got the hang of those. Or they wanted to advertise right away so they mastered AdWords prior to expanding into PPC. Or they hired someone to overhaul their website while they focused on the company blog. Yes. It is important in today’s digital-driven world to have many points of contact with potential customers. But just like learning to walk, you must first be able to roll, crawl, sit, and stand. Master one thing before moving into the next to ensure that it’s done well and gets the results you’re seeking.

    Secret #2: Never underestimate the power of an email list.

    Adding value for potential customers is the key to turning them into clients. And there’s no method more effective for adding value than an email list. Because it gives you the power to remind people that you’re there—and that you’re the best. That’s because unlike social media platforms, you’re totally in control of what your customers see. There aren’t changing analytics to stay on top of or hidden features you need to know about. Feature homes you’ve built. Talk about the problems you’ve solved for your customers. Answer their frequently asked questions. The top home builders stay in touch with potential customers and ensure they feel both comfortable and informed. Wondering what your competition is emailing their list about? Sign up for their newsletter on their website.

    Secret #3: Make the customer experience the best it can be.

    A solid user experience is what holds everything together for potential customers. Your competition may look like they have it all together on social media, but that doesn’t matter if their UX (user experience) is poor. And a lot of things come into play when you’re talking UX. The best companies dedicate themselves to providing a top-notch website experience. One that will make customers think of them instantly when it comes time to build. To compete, consider your UX. The content on your website and how often you share new things, how quickly your website loads, the company’s voice, ease of menu navigation, and even the chatbot service you use are examples. And it can all enhance or detract from the experience your customer has when they consider working with your company to build their next home.

    Don’t let the competition fool you. Everyone started out by learning the things that seem to come to their business effortlessly. And you can too. Need help with digital marketing? Meredith Communications offers services like social media, SEO, and website design. Learn more.

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