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    B.O.L.D. Series—B is For Breaking Barriers

    June 1, 2020

    Welcome back to the B.O.L.D. blog series! If you missed the introduction to this series be sure to check it out before you continue as it’ll provide an excellent frame of reference. If you’re all caught up then it’s time to talk about what the “B” in B.O.L.D. stands for—care to guess? I’ll give you a hint—it’s the title of this blog.

    Get Started Now—It Isn’t Too Late

    I’m not going to mince words—in today’s virtual-driven world you absolutely have to be BOLD if you want to stay in business. And I’m talking about the word as well as the acronym that is the topic of this blog series! Consider that the builders that are making sales happen right now are unafraid to break barriers within their company and/or business model. And what are these barriers, exactly?

    The Two Types of Barriers

    There are actually two types of barriers faced in difficult times: physical and emotional. And while, yes, you yourself are struggling with both of these as a business, we actually need to look at your customer to better understand how to be B.O.L.D. in breaking these barriers. When I say “physical” barrier I mean the barriers popping up in your business or business model—website, virtual tours, 3D floor plans, etc. And when I say “emotional” barriers I’m referring to the emotional barriers your customers are feeling right now which probably includes anxiety and fear in relation to making big purchases.

    How Can You Break Physical Barriers?

    Whether you’re wishing you had more visibility right now or wondering how can your business stand out right now—you’re facing a physical barrier. Start by looking at your website. Are you currently offering virtual tours? Give your potential customers the opportunity to check out your offerings at a time convenient to them by uploading virtual tours of your floor plans to your website. Providing new offerings breaks barriers. Deep dive into your social media. Is it visually appealing? If not, block a few hours out with your sales team to photograph and video your community, model homes, homes under construction, amenities, and more. Use your phones to do this—it doesn’t need to be fancy! Upload everything to the cloud and share with your marketing team to sort through and utilize. Helping one another breaks barriers.

    How Can You Break Emotional Barriers?

    On the other hand, your website might be in great shape—but you may have no idea how to field that emotional connection through the online space and relieve fear and anxiety faced by potential clients in uncertain climates. How can you break the emotional barriers your potential customers are fielding right now? Walk through your social media. People spend hours of downtime on social—and it’s the perfect place to build emotional connections. Is your customer base feeling “trapped” in their current home? Show them what it feels like to live in a one of your spacious, open home designs. Maybe your customer base is wishing they had more privacy. Feature floor plans with a quiet study or a luxurious spa-like Master Bath. Tap into how your customers are feeling in order to make them want what you have.

    Tap Into the Now

    In order to break barriers with your customers it’s imperative that you observe where you—and they—currently are. Don’t be afraid to do something outside your comfort zone or that goes outside your current business model. That’s what it means to break barriers—and that is how you will sell homes right now!

    Stay tuned for the next blog in this series where we will discuss “O” in BOLD otherwise known as Overcoming Obstacles! See you soon.

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