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    The Art and Science of Selling

    February 7, 2017

    It doesn’t matter if you were born to sell or if you feel you couldn’t sell your way out of a paper bag–sales are pivotal to growing a business. For those of us who own our own businesses, selling isn’t a choice. It’s more of a necessity. What’s more, there’s always something new to learn, no matter how experienced (or inexperienced) you are in matters of selling.

    While I don’t offer a “magic bullet” for you to take to become an outstanding salesperson, there IS a formula you can follow ensuring that you’re always improving your sales game. In fact, if you’re ready to become a rock-star, top-producing, quota-busting salesperson then you need to get your hands on my brand new book, FANtastic Selling–a companion to 2016’s hit FANtastic Marketing. You’ll learn all about the art and science of selling–and how you can apply the lessons I teach to your personal business. Here’s an excerpt for FANtastic Selling, set to be released on March 15, 2017.

    The fourth undeniable trait of a rock-star, top-producing, quota-busting, FANtastic salesperson is the ability to be engaging.

    Getting and keeping attention is a true challenge for a salesperson. Think about how many of your emails and voicemails receive no response. During the last sales presentation you had with one of your fans, how many times did he or she stop to check their phone, take a call, or respond to an email/text while you were talking? The overall lack of response from our fans, and their distracted nature, is one of the reasons I feel it is important to remind you that they are indeed fans of your product, service, brand, or of you personally or they would not start a conversation with you. I understand that based on their behavior it would be easy for you to start assuming they aren’t all that interested, that you are dealing with mostly “tire kickers” who are more interested in the free cookie or beverage offered during the conversation than purchasing something from you.

    The fact is they are still interested and their online shopping and researching habits prove it. Most buyers are deep into the buying process before they engage with a salesperson the first time.

    Are you curious to learn more about the buying and selling process? Don’t forget to pre-order my book, FANtastic Selling today.






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