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    April Marketing Pro of the Month

    April 7, 2020

    Tina Boch

    Welcome back to Marketing Pro of the Month! If you missed last month’s professional, you can check that blog out here. If you’re all caught up then that means it’s time to learn more about Tina Boch, our April Marketing Pro of the Month. Thank you for joining us, Tina!

    Tell us about your builder – market, product type, average units sold per year, average sales volume per year

    Landon Homes and John R. Landon Homes, DFW market, single-family homes ranging from $200s to $1 million+.  Average sales price $580s. Sold units averages 450 a year. Sales volume $200 million.

    What is your exact title and how long have you been in the position? How did you get your start in home builder marketing?

    Director of Marketing. I have been with this home builder since April 2019 but got my start in homebuilding with the same CEO in 2002. I refer to it as coming home. I was offered a job through a friend as a Marketing / Corporate Communications Assistant.

    Let’s talk responsibilities: what are yours on a day-to-day basis when it comes to marketing?

    Team of 3, 2 marketing coordinators and 1 Online Sales Concierge. Managing the department, strategic digital, campaigns, promos, online sales, model home merchandising.

    What is your favorite social media platform to use?

    Personally, it is Instagram. For business it is Facebook.

    What does the average Monday look like for you personally and professionally?

    Struggle to get started for the day since I am a night owl.  Once I get my coffee, I am ready to face the day.  We start every Monday with a sales meeting and I also have my team Marketing meeting.

    How do you see your role evolving over the next few years?

    Adding team members provided the market continues to grow. More analytical and strategy for the brand and less of the day-to-day marketing operations.

    What is a question you’re frequently asked in your role? (Maybe it drives you crazy, maybe it doesn’t!)

    What does marketing do?

    What is a big success you’ve had in your current role?

    Mastering the model merchandising selections process.

    When it comes to marketing, we all learn from our mistakes. Care to share a time you learned from a marketing mistake?

    Spending money on firms with no homebuilding experience. It can be a costly error.

    Marketing tends to be very experimental. What do you love about that and what do you hate about it?

    I love that I am given the freedom to experiment in my role. I learned early in homebuilding to “fail faster.” What I don’t like is that when non-marketers think they market better than marketing professionals especially in this climate.

    What are your currently reading or listening to? Work and personal.

    A better approach to model merchandising article; Industry professional blogs like Meredith’s; The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*** is on my bedside table.

    What is your favorite app or tool to use for work-related tasks? Personal tasks?

    Calendar and Notes.

    Are you team taco or team pizza? Or team other?

    Team food.

    If you had a Friday off of work, what would you do with it?

    Some kind of DIY at home.

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