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    Adding A Personalized Touch To Your Marketing

    March 26, 2019

    Marketing is good for business. And while word of mouth is still an excellent way to spread the news about your product or service, digital marketing is the fastest way to reach your audience. But how do you give it that personalized touch that word of mouth has? How do you show people that you’re not just another small business doing the same thing as everyone else? In digital marketing, a personalized touch can go far. Here are a few ways you can personalize your marketing and give your fans a little something extra every time they hear from you.

    Write the perfect “thank you” message. Are you requesting email addresses on your website? When people sign up, are they thanked for doing so? Is the thank you generic—or personalized to your brand? Outside of your website, your email list is what you wield the most control over when it comes to your company’s marketing. That is, there are no algorithms preventing you from reaching your clients and potential customers through your email list. But many businesses assume that personalized touches aren’t needed past the point of sign up. You’ve already captured their information—so who cares? You should. Write a “thank you” message that expresses your appreciation, excitement, and brand. Ensure those who sign up know they’re more than a number to your business—and they’ll eagerly await to hear from you.

    Use “You” on your social media. When it comes to being social, it’s easy to fall into the “I” trap. “I have something that will help you” or “Look at this new product/service I created” or “I will be featured on this platform.” There’s nothing wrong with promoting yourself or your business. But are you strategic in how you’re handling it? Take a look back through your social media postings and compare how often you start a post with “I” versus how often you lead with your fans in mind: “You’re going to want to read this if…” or “Did you know that…” will gain a lot more readership (and ongoing fans) day after day as it’s more personal.

    Create the perfect freebie. Chances are you have an ideal customer. And if you truly know that ideal customer, you have a pretty good idea of their wants and needs. So what can you give them that helps meet those wants and needs? Personalize a freebie just for your target audience! Maybe it’s a downloadable eBook about the homebuilding process. Perhaps it’s a free webinar about choosing the right home. Take an opportunity to speak directly to your ideal customer and solve a problem for them. If you really take time to think this out, your freebie will really hit home. And that’s what great marketing is all about.

    Personalizing your marketing takes ongoing effort…but the payback comes in spades. Want more insights about turning customers into fans? Don’t miss my book FANtastic Marketing: Leverage Your Fan Factor, Build a Blockbuster Brand, Score New Customers, and Wipe Out the Competition.


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