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    5 Ways to Create FANtastic Content

    June 18, 2019

    Digital content is important to any business plan. However, to be successful, your content needs a regular refresh. That’s because you’re using it to draw people in—making them feel inspired so they come to believe in your business, and, ultimately, take the action you want them to take! So if you’re only adding content because it’s a “to-do” on your weekly marketing list, time to change up your approach. Because it’s so much more important than many businesses give it credit for. Yet it’s rarely given much thought. Creating content takes time, energy, and creativity in order to be done well. The following five tips will help you break out of the mundane and help you create FANtastic content!

    Be timely.

    Readers always want to learn about what’s new with a business. From great products to helpful new services to hot tech being utilized by your organization, it’s all worth sharing with your fans. Nothing new at the moment? Current trends also will drive fans to your content. They’ll want to know your thoughts about what’s happening in your world based on trends and why they should be excited about it. To do this, find three to five industry blogs you can rely on to break big news and watch them daily or even weekly. Write about trends as they are occurring, not after they have already fizzled out. Timeliness is key to being successful!

    Focus on the FANS.

    People like reading about other people. And your fans are no different. Call out someone you recently sold a home to (with their permission, of course) or feature someone building a home! Going through a dry spell? Select a staff member to write about. Highlight his or her talents and how they have helped make your business or the industry a success, including how they help your fans on a regular basis. Writing about people gives your business a human element that will draw the attention of potential customers—and that’s FANtastic marketing at its core.

    Show people why they should believe in your brand.

    Do you encourage your staff to volunteer? Do you donate a percentage of your profits to charity? Did you do something else that is inspiring? If so, write about it! People want to do business with brands they believe in and real estate and homebuilding are no different. It doesn’t necessarily have to be something big; it could be something small that is worth noting. But highlighting the things that your company does for the community gives fans a reason to believe in your brand—and give you business.

    Discuss where you have been.

    The story of your business, how you got started, and where you came from is always a topic of interest to people thinking about doing business with you. So write about your founder and his or her inspiration for starting the business. Did they have a terrible experience in home buying? Were they uninspired by the pre-built homes they walked through? The backstory of your business helps fans understand your organization and adds something for people to connect with.

    Highlight what’s coming next.

    Your plans for the future are always a good topic. Do you have an event that you want to focus on? Are you looking to expand the company? Will you be opening up a new community soon? All of these topics are a fantastic draw for fans! They want to see where you are going and what you have planned. It keeps your business interesting and on their radar and will ensure that they stay engaged as your company looks toward the future!

    Writing good content regularly is key for so many businesses. Yet it’s something that is often put on the back burner as “unimportant.” Don’t let this be you! Set aside a block of time every week to brainstorm fresh content ideas for your fans. You’ll be amazed at what a little extra time on this often overlooked task can do to grow your business!

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