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    5 Stats That’ll Help You Build and Implement Successful Email Marketing Campaigns in 2020

    February 17, 2020

    Chances are that email marketing is a big part of your marketing strategy. Or if it isn’t—it should be! And because email marketing takes a LOT of time and energy to create it’s imperative that you take time to evaluate your strategy for 2020. Why? It will ensure you make the most of your marketing efforts this year! So consider the following 5 stats to help build and implement successful email marketing campaigns in 2020.

    Smartphones are the most popular

    Did you know that 81% of consumers use a smartphone for regularly checking emails? So if you haven’t already then you absolutely MUST customize your email marketing with this in mind. How do you ensure that emails are ideal for mobile readers? Succinct subject lines are required! Make images big and bright and clickable. Don’t focus as much on the copy—think a bold headline, an attention-grabbing subhead, and then assume that’s all someone will see before they decide to keep scrolling—or closeout.

    Millennials use emails to make purchase decisions

    Millennials are a driving force in today’s economy. Yes, they like avocado toast. You know what else? They do a LOT of things online. And like it or not, you need to gear email campaigns to millennials this year if you want to see a difference in your bottom line. Of all promotional methods, millennials are more likely to make purchase decisions based on promotional emails. In fact, 68% of millennials make decisions based on an email. This is important to note because it is a higher percentage than other target demographics. How do you customize your emails to millennials and increase success? Understand what draws millennials in. Consider they are more likely to use Apple products than other generations—how does that change your marketing?

    Subject lines need to be short

    Most email services show only 60 characters of an email subject line. So the best marketers keep their subject lines short. Bear in mind that 35% of email recipients open email based on the subject line alone. Moreover, emails that include the first name of the recipient in their subject line had a higher clickthrough rate than those that don’t. Keep subject lines brief but impactful. Personalize them. Watch your open rates soar!

    Many people have more than one email account

    Do you have a “regular” email and a “junk” email? Most people do. Consider that, “Many email users have multiple emails, which is why the number of active email accounts is nearly 1.5 times higher than the number of email users. While there are 5.59 billion accounts, there are only 3.9 billion email users.” Wow! In order to get a better reach on your emails, make sure to occasionally go through your email list and eliminate inactive users. Also, provide incentives for verifying information to keep joiners on your list!

    Average open rates are only over 20%

    According to Mailchimp, the average open rate for email campaigns is 20.81%. This is a sobering—and important!—statistic. Never expect that all of your subscribers will open your emails. Be realistic in your goals and don’t get discouraged. Ensure that subject lines and emails are written to your TARGET audience rather than generalized to try to hit everyone! If you have one big email list, consider segmenting it.

    Email marketing is a tough go—but it’s incredibly important to your overall marketing strategy! Understanding these email marketing statistics going into 2020 will not only help you create stronger email campaigns, but it may also help you increase your opens. Have more questions? Reach out to the experts at Meredith Communications to learn more.

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