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    Toolbox Tuesdays: 5 Pages Every Website Must Have

    October 3, 2017

    Every business is different. There are no “cookie-cutter” solutions to a website. However, if you’re business is service based, there are five pages your website must have in order to truly show off you and your business the best.

    1. Home

    The home page is the first page most visitors will see. It should be eye-catching, draw viewers into other pages of your site and give an overview of what you do and how your service helps others.

    2. About

    The about page gives visitors to your site an idea of who you are and why you do what you do. Include things like professional qualifications, a brief history of how you came to be running the businesses now and what your future plans are. This should be personal and help potential clients and customers connect with you.

    3. Services/Products

    Use this page to highlight the services or products you offer. There can be subpages off it where you go in depth on the individual items. On this high-level page, you’ll want to provide an overview of your products or services that lets site visitors know what each product or service does and how it may help them.

    4. Blog

    As you’re probably aware by now, blogs on business pages are essential for gaining new customers. They help keep your site high on the search rankings. First, each blog is viewed as an update, which Google likes. Second, each blog offers you an opportunity to optimize with specific keywords, increasing your chances of appearing on page one of results.

    5. Contact Us

    This is vital! Even if you don’t have a brick and mortar location, people want to connect with you. A contact form or email address, phone number and other information enables customers to reach out and ask you questions. Each contact is a chance for you to make a sale.

    5.5. Bonus: Terms and Conditions

    If you offer a warranty or have other legal type information to convey to clients or customers, you need a Terms and Conditions page. While the other pages discussed belong in the header menu, the terms and conditions page can be in the footer. You can also link to this page in the descriptions of applicable products and services.

    Creating a website with these pages is an important step in having customers find you online. For help with yours, contact Meredith Communications. The initial consultation is always free.

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