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    5 Easy Things Any Salesperson Can Do to Generate Leads

    May 17, 2018

    5 Easy Things Any Salesperson Can Do to Generate LeadsThis week on the blog we’re featuring Kimberly Mackey from New Homes Solutions Consulting. She’s discussing five easy things any salesperson can do to generate leads. Did you know you’re more likely to convert a self-generated lead over a walk-in lead by 50%? That’s a great reason to focus on generating leads for your business! Because who doesn’t want more business? Make sure to check out Kimberly’s tips and then brainstorm more ways to grow your leads with your team!

    Meredith Oliver Signature



    Most sales professionals who choose to work for a builder instead of going the general real estate route probably do so, in part because they want to work for a builder who will generate traffic and leads for them. At least initially, these sales professionals probably thought that being in a model home, where the buyers come to you is easier than going out there and beating the proverbial bushes to find buyers. Because I work with both builder sales professionals and general real estate agents, I can tell you that both jobs are challenging, but for different reasons.  Today though, let’s focus on the role of the builder sales professional and how self-generating leads are of a much higher caliber than those who simply walk in off the street. In fact, you are approximately 50% more likely to convert a self-generated lead over a walk-in lead. It isn’t hard at all to self-generate; in fact, it can be a lot of fun if you have the right attitude. Think of this process as a great exploration or a treasure hunt and you will be in the right frame of mind to be successful.  Now that your attitude is in the right spot, let’s look at the following 5 suggestions as a great place to start!

    1. REALTORS®: You know you need general real estate agents to bring you buyers, but e-blasting them just isn’t working. You have heard the expression, “if the mountain won’t go to Mohamed, then Mohamed must go to the mountain!” What this means is you must get out there and go where the REALTORS® Get involved on a committee at their association. Regardless of your gender, join WCR (Women’s Council of REALTORS®). It isn’t enough to join a group though, you’ve got to get in there, volunteer, and get active to build relationships.
    2. Thank REALTORS®: Be sure to thank any REALTORS® who preview or show your homes. I recommend a small bouquet of flowers (the kind you can pick up at the grocery store for around $10) with a handwritten thank you note. The REALTOR® will put the flowers on their desk at the office. When anyone asks who sent them flowers, they will share that you did, who you are and your community. It’s the gift that keeps on giving! If they sell one of your homes, you’ll want to up the ante with a larger bouquet or perhaps a bottle of wine to go with it. You must be consistent. What you do for one, you should do for all.
    3. Your Community: People who already live in your community are fantastic sources of referrals, but you can’t just keep calling them or emailing them to ask. Sometimes you have to get creative. One of my favorite ways to do this, is offering to host parties for those “in-home” businesses like Pampered Chef, Mary Kay, jewelry, etc. These businesses are always looking for places to host buying parties. Best of all, they will generally provide the food and the guests. Not all attendees will be looking for a new home, but chances are, they probably know someone who is and if they get excited about your model they will tell others. Have guests “check in” on social media. Encourage them to take photos in your model to share on social media which maximizes the exposure.
    4. Local Business: Stop by some of the locally owned businesses in your area and ask them if they would create a coupon for their establishment that you could share with your prospects and residents. In return, ask them if they would post your community or inventory flyers in their establishments. This works better with non-franchised, local businesses, but sometimes a local franchise owner might have enough leeway to also participate. It doesn’t hurt to ask. If they agree, you need to make sure you get those coupons out to as many people as possible because the more you refer to them, the more they will refer to you.
    5. Wear Your Name Badge: When dressed appropriately, wear your name badge to pump gas, or run errands like the grocery store. You never know who is going to standing in line next to you at the deli counter and whether they have been searching for a new home. It is amazing how many people will come up to you and talk to you just because you have your name badge on. Of course, if you wear your name badge, make sure you take your cards with you too, so you can share those when you are approached. Don’t just hand out your card though, be sure you get their contact information as well, so you can follow up.

    These are just 5 simple things you can do; there are plenty more you can do. Hopefully this list will inspire you to get out there, get active, and drive those qualified leads to increase your sales. At your next sales meeting brainstorm with your team mates to come up with even more great lead generating ideas and cheer each other on as you implement them all. You can do this and have fun doing it.

    About the Author

    Kimberly Mackey is the founder of New Homes Solutions Consulting. She has reputation as someone with real world SOLUTIONS in a competitive and rapidly changing sales environment–SOLUTIONS like “50 Sales per Year before Any Walk-in Traffic”. She is a sales management consultant, trainer, and keynote speaker with 20 years of experience as an executive in the residential home building and real estate industry. She has a proven record of accomplishment working with Builders and Developers of all sizes –from the local/regional companies to the publicly traded nationals. Mackey works with Brokers from across the country and is the architect and director of the highly successful Preferred Builder Partnership program with Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Florida Properties Group where she works with 32 builders and over 600 agents. Mackey serves on the Board of Directors for NAHB and FHBA and the Board of Trustees for the National Sales and Marketing Council. Mackey is a Life Director for FSMC and Tampa Bay Builders Association’s SMC. She is also the recipient of the 2017 Associate of the Year Award for FHBA.

    For more information, or to book Kimberly for your next event, visit New Homes Solutions, or visit Mackey at LinkedInYouTube, Twitter, and Facebook.



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