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    3 Ways a New Website Can Save You Money

    October 31, 2017

    In the market for a new website? What is the goal of the project? What do you want the new website to do that is different from your current site? Most of our clients focus on making more sales with a new site. That’s completely valid, but remember that there are two sides to every accounting sheet. The same way a shiny new website can bring in more sales, it can also help you save expenses by decreasing your costs.

    Prevent Leads from Getting Away

    A quick look at your analytics data will tell you how many people left your website without ever contacting you or making a purchase. And sadly, once they’re gone, they’re not likely to come back and buy something later. A revamped website encourages visitors to hang around, look at your products and ultimately contact you or make a purchase. Every visitor to your site is a potential sale – don’t let them get away simply because your website is out of date.

    Better Recruiting

    Your website is definitely an important part of your business, but the heart and soul of most companies are the people who work there. An amazing staff makes it easy to create your vision and bring it to life. Those amazing employees aren’t hanging out at the bus stop waiting for you to approach them. They’re ambitious and out looking for their next opportunity. Whether you approach them through LinkedIn or they come across a job posting, one of the first things any job candidate is going to do is look at your website. If they’re not impressed, they’re going to keep looking and ultimately be hired somewhere else, leaving you without the amazing team members you need to really grow.

    Reduce Customer Complaint Calls

    Stellar customer service is key to success in any business. Think about how your website can fill that role. An FAQ page, videos with tips or demonstrations, or a downloadable guide are all great ways to help your customer without them ever having to pick up the phone. Customers appreciate this and it saves you on customer service staff or call center expenses.

    At the end of the day, saving a dollar and earning a dollar is still an extra dollar in your pocket. When you’re ready to optimize your website to save you money, contact Meredith Communications for a free initial consultation.

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